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Showing posts from May, 2023


  Military and Police Dag Hammarskjold Medal- Established in 1997 and named after Dag Hammarskjöld(second Secretary-General of the UN)  Posthumous Award to UN peacekeepers(Highest Honor Award to UN peacekeepers) 


  मथुरा भगवान श्री कृष्ण की नगरी है। यही पर भगवान श्री कृष्ण का जन्म हुआ तथा भगवान श्री कृष्ण का बचपन यहाँ गाय चराते हुए, बंजारों की तरह बिता।  जन्म- कंस के कारावास में, जिसे आज कृष्ण जन्म स्थान के नाम से जानते हैं। मुगल शासन के दौरान, औरंगजेब ने अपने शासन में कृष्ण जन्म स्थान पर शाही ईदगाह मस्जिद का निर्माण करवाया था।  गोकुल- यहाँ पर भगवान श्री कृष्ण 3 बरस की आयु तक रहे तथा पूतना का वध किया।  वृन्दावन- जब गोकुल में बाल कृष्ण पर कई राक्षसों के हमले हुए, तब नन्द महराज गोकुल छोड़ कर वृन्दावन में बस गये। यहाँ पर भगवान श्री कृष्ण 3  से 6 बरस की आयु तक रहे। यही पर भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने कालिया नाग को हराया।  वृन्दावन के क्षेत्र में ही भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने गोपीयो के साथ रासलीला रचाया था।  निधिवन(वृन्दावन)- निधिवन वृन्दावन क्षेत्र में तुलसी के पेड़ो का वन है। इन तुलसी के पेड़ो को भगवान श्री कृष्ण, राधा रानी और गोपीयो का रूप माना जाता है। और ये भी मान्यता है कि आज भी हर रात भगवान श्री कृष्ण, राधा तथा गोपीयो के साथ यहाँ पर रासलीला रचाते है।  प्रेम मन्दिर(वृन्दावन)-  प्रेम मन्दिर(2001-2012) की स

Constituent Assembly

  Lecture 5  Constituent Assembly 1925-  Birkenhead Challenge 1927-  INC madras session Boycott of Simon commission and setting up All Parties Conference 1928-  First all parties conference under chairmanship of M. A. Ansari at Delhi Setup committee to frame Constitution 1928-  All parties conference(APC) under chairmanship of Motilal Nehru at Lucknow Nehru report was presented at APC Lucknow session 1941-  first Non-Party Conference(NPC) under Tej Bahadur Sapru to look political interest of individuals and minorities overlooked by political parties of that time.  1944-  Sapru committee was formed by NPC 1945-  Sapru report with following guidelines Protection of minorities Fundamental rights(Justiciable)  DPSP(Non-justiciable)  Constituent Assembly Demand   1934-   M. N. Roy put the idea of constituent assembly for first time.   1935- INC demanded formation of constituent assembly to frame Constitution 1938- Jawaharlal Nehru demanded to frame the Constitution of free India by a cons


  2024 International Global Waste Management Outlook-  UNEP and ISWA(International Solid Waste Association) Human Development Report-  UNDP  HDI, Rank 1- Switzerland HDI Rank 134- India(0.644)  Last Rank Somalia GII Rank 108- India(2022)  National Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agroforestry(GROW)-  NITI Aayog 2023 International International Debt Report (IDR)-  World Bank Global Startup Ecosystem Report(GSER)-   Startup Genome Migration and Development Brief-   World Bank Low-cost finance for energy transition-   International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Thriving: Making Cities Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate- World Bank Levels and trends in child malnutrition: Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates (JME)-  World Bank + UNICEF + WHO World Energy Investment Report-  International Energy Agency(IEA)  National(India)   National Time Release Study(NTRS)-  Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs(CBIC) related to cargo release time at ports in India The


  2024 International Global Innovation Index 2023-  WIPO Rank 1-  Switzerland India-  40 International IP Index 2024-  US Chember of Commerce Rank 1-  US India-  42 2023 International Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2024-  Germanwatch Rank 1, 2, 3-  blank Rank 4-  Denmark India-  7 Corruption Perception Index 2023-  Transparency International Rank 1-  Denmark  India-  93 Henley Passport Index 2023-  Henley & Partners Rank 1-  Singapore(2022- Japan)  India-  80(2022- 87), visa free access to 57 countries Global Peace Index(GPI) 2023-  Institute for Economics and Peace(IEP) Rank 1-  Iceland(Last- Afghanistan)  India-  126/163 Energy Transition Index 2023-  World Economic Forum Rank 1-  Sweden India-  67 World Competitiveness Index 2023-  International Institute for Management Development(IIMD) Notes- Global Competitiveness Report is released by WEF Rank 1-  Denmark India-  40(2022- 37th Rank)  Global Liveability Index 2023-  EIU Rank 1-  Vienna, Austria India-  New Delhi &

Pre Independence Governance Part3

  Lecture 4  Pre Independence Governance Part3 Act Passed in India  EICo. Rule- Governor/Governor General   Bengal Regulation 1818- for preventive detention in Bengal region Bengal Sati Regulation 1829- William Bentinck made the sati practice illegal in British India(Raja Ram Mohan Roy)  Thugee and Dacoit Suppressions Acts 1836 Caste Disabilities Removal Act 1850- it abolished all laws affecting the rights of people converting to another religion or caste. The new Act allowed hindus who converted from Hindu religion to another religion equal rights under new law, especially in the case of inheritance. Hindu Widow’s Remarriage Act 1856- drafted by Dalhousie and passed by Canning(Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar)  General Service Enlistment Act 1856- passed by Lord Canning to sent Indian soldiers overseas.  Act Passed in India  Crown Rule- Viceroy   Societies Registration Act 1860 Civil procedure code 1859(1908), Indian Penal Code 1860, Criminal Procedure Code 1861(1973)  The Paper Currenc


  Wetland Wetlands are distinct ecosystems saturated/flooded by water(permanently or temporary). Wetland systems are generally shallow water system.  In wetland ecosystem, the shallow water level and anaerobic(no oxygen) soil make it a distinct ecosystem from land ecosystem and aquatic ecosystem. Wetland ecosystems are distinct from land and aquatic ecosystems in terms of vegetation. It support the vegetation that tolerate shallow water and anaerobic soil conditions.  Wetland, biodiversity rich region act as a transition zone(ecotone) between land and aquatic ecosystems. It also act as carbon sink system, thus playing important role in combating climate change.  Types of Wetland There are various way to define wetland ecosystems like  Water type- freshwater, brackish water and saltwater wetland.  Water source- Tidal, estuaries, floodplain, rainfed wetland But we will learn types of wetland based on soil type and other characteristics.  Wetland(Mineral soil)  In this type wetland, the


  Data(International) World oldest Tree-   Great Grandfather in Southern Chile(5000+ years)  Earlier Methuselah in California(4850 years) was world oldest tree World's southernmost city - Ushuaia, Argentina(South America)  World's southernmost town - Puerto Williams, Chile(South America)  World's southernmost settlement - Puerto Toro, Chile(South America)  World's Northernmost land Point - Qeqertaq Avannarleq(North of Greenland) Replaced Oodaaq(Greenland) to become northern most point Reserve and Production Coffee Production(2023) - 1. Brazil   2. Vietnam     3. Columbia     4. Indonesia     5. Ethiopia and Honduras    6. India Data(India)  AI Supercomputer(2023)-  AIRAWAT at C-DAC, Pune AIRAWAT ranked 75th in Global Supercomputing List PVTG(2023)-  75 out of 705 2.5% of Tribal Population living in 18 states and 1 UT(A&N- 5 PVTGs) of India  Total tribal population in India- 8.6%(higest ST population in MP)  Highest number of PVTG is in Odisha(13) followed by Andhra


  Initiatives 2024 International Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction(BBNJ) Treaty-  Established at Blue Leaders High-Level Event, Belgium Next Ocean Conference will take place in France 2025. India is not the member of Blue leader Alliance 60 ratifications are necessary for it to come into force. But only Chile and Palau being the only two to have ratified it till March 2024. Global Alliance for Global Good - Gender Equity and Equality-  launched by India at the 54th annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.  Mission Aspides-  Naval mission launched by European Union to protect shipping in the Red Sea from attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels 1 Million Youth Actions Challenge (1MYAC)-  UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) National 1st Skill India Centre (SIC)-  Inaugurated at Sambalpur, Odisha Investment Forum for Advancing Climate Resilient Agrifood Systems in India-  launched by NITI Aayog + Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare(MoA&FW) + FAO Laghu Bana


  Eclipse Astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured because of the shadow of another object.  Syzygy- when three object align in a line and middle object block the view of object on another side.  Types of Eclipse There are mainly three types of eclipse depending upon relative location.  1. Total Eclipse- Associated with Umbra region.   Umbra(Latin word)- Shadow   2. Annular Eclipse- Associated with AntUmbra region.   AntUmbra(Latin word)- Ante(before) + Umbra(Shadow)    3. Partial Eclipse- Associated with PenUmbra region. PenUmbra(Latin word)- Pen(nearly) + Umbra(Shadow)   To understand these regions let's have a look on Sun(as 1st astronomical object) and moon(as the middle object)  Solar Eclipse The moon orbits(elliptical orbit) around the earth in approximately 27.3 sidereal days(29.5 synodic days).  When the sun, moon and earth get aligned(syzygy) in such a way that moon falls between sun and earth, A solar eclipse happen.  Solar Ec