Lecture 2 Ecological Relationship Effect on two organisms because of living together. There are following possible ecological relationship exist Mutualism(+, +)- When two organisms interact in such a way that both get benefited by each other's niches. Commensalism(+, 0)- When an organism benefits from other organism without affecting the other organism Antagonism(+, -)- When one organism takes advantage of another and negatively affect it. Predation and parasitism are example of antagonism. Neutralism(0, 0)- No benefit and no harm because of interaction Amensalism(0, -)- One organism get negatively affected without any affect on another organism. Competition(-, -)- When two organisms compete and both get negatively affected. Gause's Competitive Exclusion Principle- Two species that compete for the same resources cannot coexist stably. Resource Partition- Phenomenon where two or more species compete for the same resources including food and sp...
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