Eclipse Astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured because of the shadow of another object. Syzygy- when three object align in a line and middle object block the view of object on another side. Types of Eclipse There are mainly three types of eclipse depending upon relative location. 1. Total Eclipse- Associated with Umbra region. Umbra(Latin word)- Shadow 2. Annular Eclipse- Associated with AntUmbra region. AntUmbra(Latin word)- Ante(before) + Umbra(Shadow) 3. Partial Eclipse- Associated with PenUmbra region. PenUmbra(Latin word)- Pen(nearly) + Umbra(Shadow) To understand these regions let's have a look on Sun(as 1st astronomical object) and moon(as the middle object) Solar Eclipse The moon orbits(elliptical orbit) around the earth in approximately 27.3 sidereal days(29.5 synodic days). When the sun, moon and earth get aligned(syzygy) in such a way that moon falls b...
बूँद a drop/ Boond a drop success is unpredictable but struggle is always defined by you.