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  Policy A policy provides direction and course of action to achieve goals.  It start with problem discovery and end with solution.  Stages of Policy life-cycle Listing Agenda Formulating Policy Making Decisions Its implementation(Social awareness/Advertisement, actual implementation)  Evaluation Policy Paralysis Non-Consultant with all stakeholders Political dictatorship by non-professional Less public involvement result in loss of public trust Quick policy formulation- Inadequate data and information led to inadequate design Implementation inefficiency- Bureaucratic lethargy Lack of Audit policy- social aduit Better Policy   Formulation- involving all stakeholders, Real time data collection, smooth flow of information and cross checking of data Implementation- Accountability, transparency, honesty and integrity. Training program(Clear guidelines) for bureaucrats

Human Right History

  Human Right After World War II, concerns regarding Human rights was high.  June 1946- Commission on Human Rights(CHR) was established by UN-ECOSOC.  Feb 1947- Universal Declaration of Human Rights Drafting Committee(chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt)  10 Dec 1948- Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) was adopted by UNGA(during third session) at Paris, France UDHR sets out a common standard of human rights for people worldwide 1966- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR) + International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights(ICESCR) Was adopted by UNGA.  UDHR + ICCPR + ICESCR = International Law on Human Rights India has ratified both treaties ICCPR + ICESCR and is a member of UDHR 25 June 1993- World Conference on Human Rights(Vienna, Austria)  Vienna declaration and Program of Action 20 Dec 1993-   United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, also known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) with Hq at Geneva, Swit

Nuclear Governance

  International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)  International organization under UN for monitoring the global proliferation of nuclear resources and technology. It also serve as forum for scientific and technical cooperation on nuclear technology for peaceful purpose.  Founded- 29 July 1957 Headquarter- Vienna, Austria It monitor following compensation treaty in case of nuclear disaster 1. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage(1963)- compensation by operator 2. Convention on Supplementary Compensation(CSC) for Nuclear Damage(1997)- additional compensation by public authority(Government)  India ratified both convention. India ratified CSC in 2016 . 1974- Smiling Buddha Nuclear test by India 1975- Nuclear Suppliers Group(NSG) was formed by IAEA to curb the export of nuclear technology and nuclear fuel.  1996-  CTBT was adopted by UNGA, but not in force as it was not ratified by 8 Annex 2 states(China, Israel, US, etc)  India, Pakistan and North Korea haven't signed