Lecture 5 Buddhism Buddha Life Events Born- 563 BC, Lumbini(Nepal- while is mother was in journey), Name- Siddhartha Died-(Mahaparinirvan) 483 BC, Kushinagar(Malla mahajanapada) Father- Shuddhodhan(Leader of Shakya Kul, King of Kapilvastu) Mother- Mahamaya(Princess from Koshalan dynasty), Foster mother(Dai maa)- Gautami Wife- Yashodhara Son -Rahul Left house at the age of 29 to become ascetic(Mahabhinishkramana/The great departure). Enlightenment(Nirvana) at the age of 35 at bodhgaya under a pipal tree(on the bank of niranjana river). First sermon at sarnath(Dharma chakra pravartan). Lumbini was built by Anjana(King of the koliya clan), for his queen Rupa Devi or Rummindei. In buddhist texts, Lumbini is mentioned as Pradimokhsha-vana(sin free forest). Buddha Names Sidhartha- Childhood name/Original Name Gautam Buddha- After enlightenment Tathagata- Buddha used this word instead of I or myself(in pali texts) Shakyamuni- Ashokan inscriptions Light of Asia(book, 1879)- Sir ...
बूँद a drop/ Boond a drop success is unpredictable but struggle is always defined by you.