Minerals are naturally occurring organic and non-organic(Metallic and non-metallic) substances with definite physical and chemical properties. Mineral resource- concentration or occurrence of material Mineral reserve(Subset of resource)- mineable part of Mineral resource. In India, fossil fuels(mainly oil and natural gas) were governed by Petroleum Act, 1934- import, export, storage, production and refining of Petroleum Oilfields (Regulation and Development) Act, 1948- oil and natural gas mining in India For other minerals in India, minerals were governed by Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957. It defines two categories of minerals. 1. Major minerals(schedule 1)- Rules are made by Central government(Ministry of mines) 2. Minor minerals(Central Government order)- State Governments have complete power for making Rules regarding minor minerals.
बूँद a drop/ Boond a drop success is unpredictable but struggle is always defined by you.