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Space Exploration(Part-2)

  Lecture 13 Space Exploration(Part-2)  Issues with Space Utilization With the rising space launch capabilities around the globe, the space debris are increasing day by day creating a global concerns regarding successful launch of satellites. Also space being a global common, the peaceful use of space will ensure the benefits for humankind.  Kessler Syndrome-  Space scenario in which the number of satellites and orbital debris is so high that collisions occur, each one generating more and more space debris and, in turn, cascading collisions.   Space Treaties To peacefully utilize the space with global cooperation, there are following international treaties-  1. Outer Space Treaty(1967)- It prohibits countries from placing nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in space(including celestial bodies) to ensure peaceful use of Space. India is a member of this treaty.  2. Rescue Agreement(1968)-  Members to the agreement must provide all possi...

Human Health

  Lecture 6 Human Health Nutrition Malnutrition- Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in the intake of energy and nutrients. Overnutrition- overweight, obesity and diet-related noncommunicable diseases (such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers). Undernutrition- Wasting(low weight for height), stunting(low height for age) and underweight(low weight for age) Micronutrient based malnutrition- which includes micronutrient deficiencies(a lack of important vitamins and minerals) or micronutrient excess. Micronutrients deficiency is also known as Hidden Hunger.  Body mass index(BMI)- Body mass divided by the square of the body height(Kg/m²)  Wasting <18.5 Kg/m² Normal Weight < 25 Kg/m²  Obese > 30 Kg/m² Overweight and obese individuals are at an increased risk for many diseases Food Fortification- Process of adding micronutrients to food to combat micronutrients based malnutrition.  Biofortification- Breeding crop...


  Lecture 3 Ecosystem Ecosystem is a geographical area where biotic and abiotic factors work in an integrated manner and as an independent functional unit of nature. The ecosystem can be broadly classified in two group Terrestrial Ecosystem Aquatic Ecosystem   Standing crops- The amount of living biomass in an ecosystem expressed in biomass of organism per unit area Standing state- The amount of nutrients present in the soil at any given time. Components of Ecosystem Ecosystem(Abiotic)   Abiotic components determine and restrict the population growth and diversity of biotic factors in an ecosystem. It acts as a limiting factor. Ex- air, light, soil, nutrients, temperature and rainfall.  Soil(Related terms)  Pedology- soil science (formation, evolution and soil modelling)  Edaphology- effect of soil on living beings(Plants)  Eluviation- transportation of soil materials from upper level to lower level soil.  Illuviation- accumulation of t...

Defense Sector(Part 2)

  Lecture 15 Defense Sector(Part 2)  Naval Strength of India Landing Platform Dock(LPD)- Also known as amphibious transport dock is a warship that embarks transports and landing elements for expeditionary warfare missions. INS Jalashwa(जलाश्व) is only amphibious transport dock currently in service with the Indian Navy that was bought from USA.  Warship Size Corvette < Frigates < Destroyer < Cruiser < Aircraft carrier Corvettes- Smallest of the warships. The ships smaller than Corvettes are fast attack crafts and patrol ships.  Frigates- Larger than Corvettes but smaller than Destroyers and used to protect other ships.  Frigates class- Shivalik class, Brahmaputra, Godavari and Talwar class(India + Russia)  Project 17A- 7 frigates named INS Nilgiri, INS Himgiri, INS Udaygiri, INS Dunagiri, INS Taragiri, INS Vindhyagiri and INS Mahendragiri by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders(MDL) + Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers(GRSE)  Destroyer- M...

Defense Sector(Part 1)

  Lecture 14 Defense Sector(Part 1)  Multilateral Export Control Regime(MECR)  To restrict the misuse of Defense technology against humanity there are some intercontinental convention and export control regime.  A multilateral export control regime(MECR) is an informal group of like-minded supplier countries that seek to contribute to the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, delivery systems and advanced conventional weapons through national implementation of guidelines and control lists for exports. 4 International Export Control Regimes- Wassenaar Arrangement(WA)- Control of conventional arms and dual use goods and technologies Australia Group(AG)- Control of chemical and biological technology that could be weaponized Missile Technology Control Regime(MTCR)- Control of rockets and other aerial system capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction(technology capable of carrying greater than 500 kg payload for more than 300 km).  Nuclear Suppl...

Space Exploration

  Lecture 12 Space Exploration(Part-1)  Space and Earth Orbits Karman line- Boundary separating Earth's atmosphere and outer space. It lies above 100 Km of mean sea level.  Orbit- Curved trajectory of an object around a star or planet.  Earth orbits Low Earth orbit (LEO)- Altitudes up to 2,000 km Medium Earth orbit(MEO)- Altitude from 2,000 km to below geosynchronous orbit  Geosynchronous orbit(GSO)- Orbit with an orbital period of Earth's rotation i.e. 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds(one sidereal day).  Geostationary orbit(GEO)- A circular geosynchronous orbit in the plane of the Earth's equator with an altitude of approximately 36000 km. The object placed in geostationary orbit maintains the same position relative to the Earth's surface. Geostationary Transfer orbit(GTO)- Transfer orbits are a special kind of transit orbit used to send object from one orbit to another.  High Earth orbit(HEO)- Altitudes above 36,000 Km Polar orbit- Satellite...

Lens, Mirror and Telescope

  Lecture 11 Lens, Mirror and Telescope Lens An optical tool that converges and diverges a light beam by refraction. Lenses are of mainly two types called concave and convex. Mirror Polished and smooth reflecting surface with two types- plain mirror and spherical mirror.  Spherical mirror have the spherical reflecting surface and are of two types- concave mirrors and convex mirrors. Telescope Device used to observe distant things by gathering electromagnetic radiation like visible light, UV wave, X ray etc. Types of telescopes(Based on location)  Ground based telescope- Telescope installed on earth surface.  Space based telescop- Atmosphere is opaque for most of the electromagnetic spectrum, only a few bands can be observed from the Earth's surface. So for telescope with operating frequency higher than visible light are installed in space only. For visible light and lower frequency telescope can be installed either at ground or space with space based telescope have...