Lecture 13 Space Exploration(Part-2) Issues with Space Utilization With the rising space launch capabilities around the globe, the space debris are increasing day by day creating a global concerns regarding successful launch of satellites. Also space being a global common, the peaceful use of space will ensure the benefits for humankind. Kessler Syndrome- Space scenario in which the number of satellites and orbital debris is so high that collisions occur, each one generating more and more space debris and, in turn, cascading collisions. Space Treaties To peacefully utilize the space with global cooperation, there are following international treaties- 1. Outer Space Treaty(1967)- It prohibits countries from placing nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in space(including celestial bodies) to ensure peaceful use of Space. India is a member of this treaty. 2. Rescue Agreement(1968)- Members to the agreement must provide all possi...
बूँद a drop/ Boond a drop success is unpredictable but struggle is always defined by you.