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Defense Sector(Part 1)

 Lecture 14 Defense Sector(Part 1) 

Multilateral Export Control Regime(MECR) 

To restrict the misuse of Defense technology against humanity there are some intercontinental convention and export control regime. 

A multilateral export control regime(MECR) is an informal group of like-minded supplier countries that seek to contribute to the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, delivery systems and advanced conventional weapons through national implementation of guidelines and control lists for exports.

4 International Export Control Regimes-

  1. Wassenaar Arrangement(WA)- Control of conventional arms and dual use goods and technologies
  2. Australia Group(AG)- Control of chemical and biological technology that could be weaponized
  3. Missile Technology Control Regime(MTCR)- Control of rockets and other aerial system capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction(technology capable of carrying greater than 500 kg payload for more than 300 km). 
  4. Nuclear Suppliers Group(NSG)- Control of nuclear and nuclear-related technology

Zangger Committee(Nuclear Exporters Committee, Informal group)- Set up under Article of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). 

State Parties of the Treaty undertake not to provide- 

  • Source or special fissionable material
  • Equipment or material especially designed or prepared for the processing, production and use of special fissionable material to any non-nuclear weapon State unless the source or special fissionable material shall be subject to the safeguards required by this Article.

Missile and Related Technology

Missile types based on flight path- 

  • Ballistic Missile- Ballistic missile uses projectile motion to target distance location. These weapons are powered only for short period during launch. 
  • Cruise Missile- Unmanned self propelled guided vehicle that sustains flight through aerodynamic lift for flight path. Cruise missiles are powered for entire flight path. 
  • Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle- Type of ballistic missiles that is capable of maneuvering and changing its trajectory thus making it hard to get detected by radar. 
  • Boost Glide Vehicle- A subtype of Maneuverable reentry vehicle. In boost glide vehicle a rocket accelerates its payload to high speeds. The payload then separates from the rocket and glides unpowered to its destination.

Ways to Launch Missile

1. Ground Based Launch System- Special dedicated ground infrastructure to launch missiles. 

2. Canister Based Launch System- Serves as a container for transportation and provides operational flexibility. It is easy to launch system with hot and cold launch variation. 

  • Hot Launch- Missile ignites in the launch cell.
  • Cold Launch- Missile is expelled by gas produced by a gas generator which is not part of the missile itself, and then the missile ignites.

Intercontinental missile- Missile having range greater than 5500 Km. 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam island(off the coast of Odisha, Balasore)- Missile testing site of India

Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle(MIRV)- Ballistic missile payload with several warheads and each capable of aiming to hit a different target.

Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme(IGMDP, 1982-2008)- by the Indian Government(Ministry of Defense, DRDO) led to the start of Projects- 

Prithvi, Akash, Trishul, Nag, Agni(PATNA) ballistic missile

Ballistic Missiles of India

Prithvi(Short range surface to surface missile)-

  • Prithvi 1- India’s 1st indigenous missile with range of 150 Km. 
  • Prahaar missile- Improved version of Prithvi 1 missile with 150 Km range. Pragati missile is the export variant of Prahaar missile
  • Prithvi 2- Has range of 250 Km with 500 Kg payload capacity
  • Prithvi 3- Has range of 350 Km with 1000 Kg payload capacity
  • Dhanush- Sea variant of Prithvi 3 missile developed for the Indian Navy. 
  • Pralay Missile(Variant of Prithvi Missile)- Canisterised surface to surface short range ballistic missile with range 150-500 Km

Akash(Medium range surface to air missile)- an intercept range of 30 km.

Trishul(short range surface to air missile)- The project was abandoned by DRDO

Nag(Third generation anti-tank missile)- HELINA is the helicopter launch Nag missile(Air launched nag missile) 

Agni(Long range surface to surface missile)-

Surya Missile- Intercontinental ballistic missile under development with range of 16000+ Km(covering the entire earth) 

K Missile(Kalam Missile)- Family of submarine launched ballistic missiles(SLBM) developed by DRDO India to boost its strike abilities

Shaurya Missile(Surface to Surface Missile)- land variant of K-15 missile with canister based launch facility

Air launch missile

  • Rudram Missile- Air to surface anti radiation missile with supersonic and hypersonic speed
  • Astra Missile- Beyond visual range air to air missile developed by the DRDO. 

Cruise missile of India

  • BrahMos Missile(Supersonic missile)- A joint collaboration between India and Russia, and named after two rivers the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia. Being cruise missile it can be launched from air, surface and sea. 
  • Nirbhaya Missile(subsonic missile)- long range missile(15000 Km) developed by DRDO. 

Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Programme-

Launched in 2000 by Atal Bihari Vajpayee after Kargil war 1999. This led to the development of following air defense system in India

  1. Prithvi Air Defence(PAD)- Anti ballistic missile to intercept incoming ballistic missiles outside the atmosphere(exo-atmospheric). PAD is also known as Pradyumna Ballistic Missile Interceptor with two stage fuel(solid and liquid) and capable to intercept at altitude of 80 km. 
  2. Advanced Air Defence(AAD)- Anti ballistic missile with single stage fuel(solid) capable to intercept incoming ballistic missiles in the endo-atmosphere at an altitude of 40 km. 
  3. Prithvi Defence Vehicle Mark 2(PDV Mk2)- Missile with capability of exo-atmospheric interception of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Directed Energy Weapons(DEWs)

Electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiate focused energy resulting in physical damage to target. 

DRDO and BEL are working on DEW projects Tri-Netra and KALI.

Directionally Unrestricted Ray-Gun Array(DURGA) II- Laser weapon(DRDO) 

Havana Syndrome- Mass psychogenic illness named after Cuba city where US officials felt sick probably because of DEW attack. US accused Cuba of carrying out sonic attacks resulting in Havana syndrome in US officials working in Cuba. 

Table of Contents                                              Lecture 15


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