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Warrior Wang

 1954, Guangyuan

Lin(11 year old): Mom! Will brother Wang come today?
Xiabo: He has an exam. He will come next week.
Lin: But mom, today is my birthday.
Xiabo: That's why your brother sent you a gift.
Lin: where is it?
Xiabo: Not now. I will give it to you tonight.
What would you like to eat at night?
Lin: Rice cake. Rice cake.

In the evening, when Lin was playing outside with her friends.
Quan entered the house.
Xiabo: Why are you looking tense?
Quan(starts crying): Our field.
Xiabo: What happened to the field?
Quan: There was fire, half of our crop got burnt.
Xiabo holds the hand of Quan and says "we will find out some way".
Quan: Sorry, I made your life hard.
Xiabo: You gave me two beautiful kids and I am happy with this family.
Whatever hard time will come, we will face it together.
By the way, today is Lin's birthday and she wants to eat rice cake. Why don't you go to the market and buy some rice.
Quan takes a bag and heads toward the market.
In the market
Quan got into conflict with the shopkeeper for selling rice at a price of 80 yuan per kg.
Quan argued how authorities forced the farmers to sell half of their produce at 15 yuan per kg. And now they are selling it back to farmers at 80 yuan per kg.
He returned home with only 250 gm of rice.
Xiabo mixes flour with rice to make rice cake. In the night they celebrated Lin's birthday. They put all their effort into making Lin happy.

After a week
Crop were ready to harvest. Quan came back home with the harvested crop. At home he found Chinese officials.
When Quan resists selling 50% of agricultural produce to Chinese authorities, he gets arrested on the charge of theft.
In the night, Wang(17 year old) came home. And after knowing the arrest of his father, he gets angry and comes out with a sickle in his hand.
Xiabo runs and holds Wang. (Angry)Wang tries to push aside Xiabo. In all these Xiabo got injured.
Lin: Mom! I am afraid.
Wang throws the sickle and holds his sister Lin. And Xiabo embraces both of them.

Next day,
A knock on the door.
Xiabo opens the door. Finding Xinbu next to her, Xiabo hugs her.
After meeting with Wang and Lin, Xinbu and Xiabo move into a different room. And there they start a conversation.
In the other room, Wang started feeding his sister Lin.
After the end of the conversation, Xiabo starts packing a bag.
Wang: Mom! What are you doing?
Xiabo: I want a promise from you.
Wang: What promise?
Xiabo: First, promise me.
Wang: Ok, I promise.
Xiabo: You will go with aunt Xinbu.
Wang starts looking toward Lin.
After a hour, Wang with teary eyes, says goodbye to Lin and Xiabo

Next day, Wang reaches Lhasa with aunt Xinbu.
From there Wang moves to America for study.
After a week, Xiabo receives a letter. She starts reading it.
Lin: Mom! whose letter it is?
Xiabo: Your brother topped in the diploma entrance exam.
Lin: What did he write about me?
Xiabo: He left gifts for you on the upper rack in your room.
Lin starts running towards her room. She pulls the table to check the upper rack.
While Lin looks at her gift, a person informs Xiabo about the death of Quan in police custody.
After performing the last rituals, Xiabo and Lin leave the town.

On her journey to Lhasa, she came to know that roads were blocked at the border of Qamdo because of heavy flooding.
While she was thinking what to do next, Twan(8 year old boy) comes and offers water to Lin.  
Lin starts talking to Twan. Twan describes his village to Lin.
After listening to Twan, Lin asks her mother to stay today at Twan's house.
Xiabo initially resists, but later Lin manages to get Ok answer from Xiabo.
Xiabo took his luggage and started following Twan. Soon they reach a big house, where Xiabo finds that a lot of children are playing in the ground.
Twan introduced Xiabo with Qimai Gongbo.
Qimai: Did this little boy create any trouble for you?
Xiabo: No, he is a nice child. We were looking for shelter and he brought us here.
Qimai: You are at the right place.
Tonight, we have a party. And I have to go to the market now.
So, sorry I can't tour you the house. But no need to worry, Twan will guide you in the house.

After this, Qimai leaves the place.
As Xiabo enters the house, She finds a room next to the main door and after that a big hall with lots of beds placed in a row.
Xiabo starts interacting with Twan.
Xiabo: What kind of party is tonight?
Twan: Dad is going to celebrate our birthday tonight.
Xiabo: Our? you and who else?
Twan(Pointing toward playground): All of us.
Xiabo: Did you all born on the same day?
Twan: We don't know when we borned. But on this day, dad built this house for us and we asked him to celebrate this day as our birthday.
Soon Xiabo realizes that the place is an orphanage.

In the night, All villagers gather in the park to celebrate the birthday of childrens.
The Party starts. After seeing the new face in the village, Many villagers interact with Xiabo.
In the party, Xiabo realizes that every villager has very high respect for Qimai.
After two hours the party ended. Qimai starts rearranging things with the help of some villagers.
Xiabo comes to help in rearrangement.
Qimai: It was a very busy day today. Sorry, I did not give you any time to show you this place.
Xiabo: It's fine. Twan did that very well.
Qimai: Twan praised you a lot. If you don't mind, can I ask something?
Xiabo: Yes, Please.
Qimai: Will you help me to take care of these children?
Xiabo: But I am here only because the roads are closed. Once the road is open, I will move to Lhasa with my daughter Lin.
Qimai: I asked because twan likes you. Anyway, Lhasa is the best place to live and I am happy for you.
After rearranging things, all leave the place with goodbye.

Next morning
Twan asks for help from Xiabo to get dressed for school. As She makes Twan ready for school, All children get in line for Xiabo help.
She dresses children one by one.
Another person comes to Xiabo and says sorry for all the trouble. He informs Xiabo that all this work was done by Qimai. But for the past few weeks Qimai's wife has been sick. And Qimai is spending more time in hospital these days.

In the evening, when Qimai comes home, Xiabo says that she likes the place and she will be happy to stay there with children.
With the passing of time, Xiabo gets close with children. And Lin starts going to school with the children.
After a month, Xiabo writes a letter to Wang to inform all the events that have happened since he left.
A Few weeks later, she got a reply from Xinbu.    
In the letter
" Sorry to tell you, but I did not show your letter to Wang. You know his temper.
If he came to know about the demise of his father, he would quit his study to return back to You.
Here, he is outperforming in every field. He will get a good job after completion of his course.
But If he gets this letter, he will spoil everything.
Take care of yourself, I will come to meet you next month."

Next month, Xinbu comes.
Lin: Aunt! How is brother Wang?
Xinbu: He misses you a lot. And He sent gifts for you.
Lin: Where is it?
Xinbu takes out gifts from her bag and gives it to Lin.
Xiabo(to Lin): You got your gifts. Now go, Twan is looking for you.
Lin leaves the place.
Xinbu: Why are you not living at our ancestral home at Lhasa? What are you doing here?
Xiabo: Have you seen Twan? He looks and acts in the same manner as Wang used to do when he was 8 year old.
And I find my life easy with these children. I am happy here.
How is Wang?
Xinbu: He wanted to come with me, but I did not bring him with me. After some time I will inform him about the demise of his father.
Xiabo's eyes get teary.
Xinbu(tries to change the topic): I came here and you did not show me the village till now. I want to see the market place here.
Xiabo gives a village tour to her sister.

When Xinbu returns to America. She finds Wang with the letter in his hand.
Wang picks up his bag and starts moving out.
Xinbu: Your father died a month ago, but your mother is still alive. You did not get any chance to do something for your father, but you have a chance to do something for your mother. if you leave now, you will shatter her dream.
(Angry)Wang throws his bag and returns back to his room. (Loud sound of door getting shut)
Xinbu(at door): Xiabo wants to see you as a successful person. We will go together to meet them, once you will be successful.
After this, Wang starts putting more effort.
Year 1956
Seeing Wang's extraordinary capabilities, the CIA started training Wang.
In Tibet, Qimai received notice from Chinese authorities.
Xiabo: What kind of notice is this?
Qimai: The Chinese government has introduced land reform. And being the owner of big land including the house, park, school and monastery in this region, Chinese authorities asked me to vacate all land except house.
Xiabo: But how can they bring such a law for the autonomous region of Tibet. How can they shamelessly violate the treaty that they signed with our respected leader Dalai Lama.
Qimai: They gave one month's time. If I do not vacate these places, then they will come with machines to destroy it.
Xiabo: What are we going to do now?
Qimai: We will protest against it.
Qimai starts an awareness campaign. He tells the locals how the new law will affect his children and villagers.
But did not get a good response. Every villager raises the same question about what they can do in front of the Chinese authority.
After many days, Qimai managed to get only a little support.

In the school, Lin starts playing hide and seek. She opens the door of the store room and hides there.
A school employee, after finding the store room open, closes it from outside.
Chinese authorities came with machines to demolish the school.
Qimai and Xiabo stand in between school and machine with other supporters.
Chinese soldiers use force to remove the protester from their way.
Chinese soldiers encircle the protesters with guns in hands.
Twan comes to Xiabo and informs her that Lin is not here. Probably she is inside the school.
When Xiabo tried to push a soldier to go into school, a soldier hit her on the head with a rod. She fainted.
The machine demolished the school.
The Chinese soldiers prepared to leave the place.
Qimai runs toward the school and starts removing debris.
As Xiabo gets conscious, she shouts for Lin.

Wang sees her mother and with teary eyes drops the gifts. Then he picks a sharp bamboo stick from the ground.
Wang starts killing Chinese soldiers.
Soon the place turned red with the blood of Chinese soldiers.
Qimai brings the dead body of Lin in front of Xiabo.
Xiabo starts screaming. Wang holds her mother and says Chinese authorities will pay for it.
Qimai(to villagers): The Time has come. Now we will show our power to the Chinese authorities. They will pay for what they did today.
    Stand with me, Stand against oppression
Villagers(start shouting slogan): Stand with me, stand against oppression.

Villagers start making a defence wall around the village.
Women of the village start making javelins from bamboo sticks.

Next day, a big Chinese army marched toward the village.
They find a wall around the village with posters- Don't dare to cross the wall.
As the Chinese soldiers try to cross the wall, Wang gives a signal.
After seeing the signal, villagers inside the wall lit fire on threads.
A Big blast happens outside the wall and many Chinese soldiers get trapped in a long ditch.
Chinese soldiers' eyes get full of fear. But their commander ordered them to march in the village.
Very few Chinese soldiers managed to enter the village, where they fought with villagers equipped with bamboo made weapons.
Within 2 hours the Chinese army was defeated.

Mao Zedong got angry with the defeat of the Chinese army and executed the commander of the army.
On the order of Mao, air bombing starts in the village.
Life became tough for villagers, everyday some people died and some got badly injured.
One day Wang gets badly injured and falls unconscious.
After many days, when Wang opens his eyes, he finds himself in America with his hand chained.
A CIA agent enters the room and tells Wang that you are a CIA agent and you can fight only those wars which the CIA will allow.
Wang asks for his mother Xiabo.
CIA agent replies- She refused to leave Tibet and she is in Lhasa under the protection of two CIA agents.
The CIA agent also informs Wang of the crushing of rebellion by Chinese authorities in the Qamdo region and how Wang's actions can cause defamation of the CIA.
As the CIA agent leaves the room an American politician enters the room.
The politician told Wang that no need to worry he will manage the CIA and the CIA will stand for the cause of Tibet.
After that the Politician arranges a meeting with top CIA leaders and forces them to support the cause of Tibet.
Failing to oppose the politician's will, the CIA leader says "we will support the cause of Tibet, but we will not allow Wang to be part of it".
The CIA starts providing weapons and other support to those who stand for Tibet.
And after the recovery of Wang, the CIA sent him on an Iraq mission.

Year 1958 
Mao introduced the "great leap forward" policy in all over China and also in the autonomous region of Tibet.
A CIA agent(friend of Wang) informed Wang of the "great leap forward" policy in the autonomous region of Tibet and lack of leadership for the cause of Tibet.
Wang starts memorizing how the same policy led to the death of his father.
In Iraq, Wang asks his superior to allow him to return to Tibet.
Wang's superior refused to do so. Wang resigned and returned to Tibet to lead the Khamba Tribe.
Wang starts looting Chinese military convoys for weapons and other resources.
Failing to suppress the Wang, Mao decided to execute Tibetan leader Dalai Lama.

Year 1959
Chinese army reached Lhasa to kill the Dalai Lama.
People of Lhasa ask the Dalai Lama to leave the place. The Dalai Lama refuses to leave Lhasa.
People put knives on their throat and say if you will not leave we will kill ourselves.
The Dalai Lama unwillingly accepts the wishes of the people and leaves Lhasa.

Even after the departure of Tibetan leader Dalai Lama, Chinese authorities failed to handle Wang.
With each passing day, the Chinese army is facing more and more losses.
Mao arranges an emergency meeting. After a long discussion meeting ends.
A close ally of the Dalai lama meets him in India. He tells the Chinese government's proposal to the Dalai Lama that Tibet autonomy will be restored and all Chinese law will be quashed for the Tibetan region, if Tibetan fighters surrender.
Dalai Lama: And what will the Chinese government do with Tibetan fighters once they surrender.
Ally: No action will be taken against them and they can live a normal life, once they surrender.

To restore peace and to stop the killing of innocent Tibetans by the Chinese army, the Dalai Lama accepts the offer.
The Dalai Lama sent his message to the Tibetan fighter for surrender.
In order to respect the Dalai Lama order, many leaders laid down the weapon. But many chose to commit suicide because of their oath to fight till last breath against Chinese oppressors.
Only Wang refused to surrender and decided to continue his fight.
When Wang reaches the fight ground, he finds his mother Xiabo next to the Chinese army.
Xiabo asks Wang to surrender.
When Wang refuse to surrender, Xiabo put a sickle on her throat.
As Wang throws his weapon and come forward to surrender, a Chinese soldier cut the throat of Xiabo and other soldiers start firing on surrendered Tibetan.
Many bullets passed through Wang's chest but he managed to reach near the Chinese soldier who killed Xiabo.
Wang strikes hard with his finger on the neck of the Chinese soldier. A hole gets created at the place of strike and blood starts coming out from the Chinese soldier's throat.
Wang takes his last breath next to Xiabo.
After this, Chinese soldiers start execution of surrendered Tibetan in different regions of Tibet.

The news of oppression and betrayal of Chinese authority reaches the Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama starts crying in front of the statue of lord Buddha.
In Tibet, 13 year old Twan takes an oath on Xiabo's dead body for revenge.  


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