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Islamic Movement in Indian History


Islamic Movement in Indian History

1. Wahabi Movement- Revivalist(1820, Punjab) 

Founded by- Sayyid Ahmad of Rai Bareli

Inspired by teachings of Shah Waliullah Dehlavi(1702-62) 

And originally founded by Abdul Wahab(1703-92) in Arab region. 

Sayyid Ahmad of Rai Bareli called Punjab(under Maharaja Ranjit Singh) as Dar-ul-Harb(Land of Kafirs) and started movement to change it in Dar-ul-Islam. 

When Punjab became the part of british India territory, the movement became anti british. 

2. Faraizi Movement(1819, Faridpur, Bangladesh) 

Founded by- Haji Shariatullah

To give up unislamic practices and strictly following the islamic practices in their duties. 

The movement protected the rights of tenants, so got strong support from peasant class. At the same time it was strongly opposed by landlord class(including Hindu and Muslim landlords). 

From 1830s, Dudu Miyan, son of Haji Shariatullah start leading the movement and the time period 1838-1857 witnessed the Faraizi Revolt(1838-57)

Dudu Miyan supporters disobeyed the indigo planters’ demands and refused to pay taxes.(start of Faraizi Revolt) 

3. Taayunni Movement(1839, Dhaka, Bangladesh) 

Founded by- Karamati Ali Jaunpur

The movement was launched to oppose the Faraizi Movement and in support of British rule in India. 

4. Deoband Movement- Revivalist(1866, Saharanpur, UP) 

Founded by- Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi + Rashid Ahmad Gangohi

With an aim of moral and religious rejuvenation of the Muslim community. 

Opposed- Syed Ahmed Khan’s Teaching, United Patriotic Association, Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental Association

Supported- Indian National Congress

In 1888, Indian Patriotic Association/United Patriotic Association was founded by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan with the assistance of Theodore Beck to safeguard the rights of the Muslims in India. This organisation was to serve as a check to the National movement, and also served as an instrument of appeasement to the British Government. 

In 1919, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind was founded by Deonand followers. The organization supported multiculturalism and fought for independence of India. This organization opposed the partition of India. 

5. Aligarh Movement- Reformist(1875, Aligarh, UP) 

Founded by- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

The movement started with the foundation of the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College, Aligarh in 1875.

It aimed to improve the conditions of educationally, socially and culturally backward muslim people by educating them. 

6. Ahmadiyya Movement(1889, Punjab) 

Founded by- Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

The Ahmadiyya are a Muslim sect that originated in India. They founded the movement based on liberal principles including universal religion for all. 

Because of their liberal nature, they were opposed by radical Islamist and in 1974 Pakistani parliament declared Ahmadiyya community as non-muslim after amending the Pakistani Constitution. 


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