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Harappa Civilization(Indus Valley civilization)


Lecture 2 Harappa Civilization

Ancient Civilizations 

1. Mesopotamia 3500-500 BC (Iraq and Iran region, Euphrates and Tigris river)

2. Harappa/Indus valley civilization 3300-1400 BC (Indus river)

3. Egypt/Nile civilization 3100-100 BC (Nile river)

4. Maya Civilization 2600 BC-900 AD (Central America region)

Harappan civilization was more developed than the contemporary civilizations. 

The use of burnt bricks and cotton make them distinguish from other civilizations.

Harappan had trade relationship with mesopotamia(Harappan seals from mesopotamia) with Magan and Dilmun as intermediate post. In mesopotamia texts, harappan were referred as Meluha.

Harappa civilization Discovery

In 1853 when rail link work was in progress, Alexander cunningham(1st head of ASI) got few seals. He published the seals without knowing that it was part of ancient indus valley civilization.

John Marshall ignored the stratigraphy of the site, and excavated along regular horizontal lines. This mixed up the artefacts from different stratigraphic layers, causing much valuable information about the context of his findings to be lost forever. This mistake was corrected by R.E.M. Wheeler, who recognised the necessity of stratigraphy. 

Harappa civilization Characteristics

  • Proper town planning (burnt brick size- 4:2:1)
  • Fortified citadel(except chanu daro)
  • Standard weights(multiple of 16) and measurement
  • Black and red ware pottery 
  • Artefacts (Seal-steatite, ivory: Statue-terracotta, bronze)

  • Burial practice
  • Pictographic script(Boustrophedon Script) 

  • Absence of temple structure(except fire altars at lothal and kalibanga)


Scholars agrees on the urban nature of Harappa, but there is difference in opinion for role of saraswati river(probably hakra-ghaggar river) and identity of harappan people. 

  1. Early harappan phase(3300-2600 BC)
  2. Mature harappan phase(2600-1900 BC)
  3. Late harappan phase(1900-1400 BC)

Rahman Deri(early harappan site) was the oldest town with planned road and houses. 

Around 1900 BC harappa and mohenjo daro were wiped out. But other sites of harappan civilization survived till 1400 BC. 

Harappa civilization Town Planning

The harappan cities were divided into two part- Fortified Citadel and Lower town

The roads were in rectangular grid pattern. 

Houses on either sides of road. Houses opened only to inner courtyards and smaller lanes. 

Well connected underground drainage system.

Harappa civilization Sites

Largest site is rakhigarhi(haryana) followed by mohenjo daro. 

Extents- India, Pakistan, Afghanistan

Sites in Afghanistan- Shortugai and Mundigak

Harappa(Ravi river, Pakistan)- Coffin burial instead of simple burial

Mohenjo Daro(Indus river, Pakistan)- Great bath of mohenjo daro (at citadel) with changing room around it. Post cremation burial. 

Chanhudaro(Indus river, Pakistan)- Industrial town(bangle factory, bead making town) for artisan and workers, so no fortified citadel at this site.

Kalibanga(Hakra river, Rajasthan)- backward town of indus valley civilisation. Very less burnt brick, instead earthen bricks. Fire altars are special feature of kalibanga. Many houses had their own well.

Lothal(Gujrat)- Artificial dockyard site of harappa civilization and connected with other cities of Harappa civilization via Sabarmati River(Now Sabarmati River flow 20Km away from Lothal because of River course change). House door at main road. Fire altars and Couple burial has been found here.

Banawali(Rajasthan)- Radial street, plough toy

Dholavira(Gujrat)- Fortified town with three sections(Fortified Citadel, middle town, lower town). At this site, we found signboard with indus script and water tank sysmtem. 

Surkotada(Gujrat)- Pot burial, horse remain.

Juna Khatiya village(Kutch, Gujarat)- Necropolis(Graveyard only) site date back to 3200BCE to 2600BCE

Harappa civilization Agriculture

Agriculture- no hoe or ploughshare has been found. 

Use of floodplains for sowing seeds and they used to reap their harvest before next flood.

In kalibanga site furrow field was discovered(probably wooden plough).

Granaries were used to store agriculture produces.

It was the first civilization to produce cotton.

Harappa civilization Trade

Trade nature- Both inter civilization and intra civilization using barter system

Trade vehicle- Bullock carts and boats

Trading commodity- raw materials(import), finished good and agriculture(export)

           Silver- iran and afghanistan 

           Tin - afghanistan

           Copper- khetri mines(ganeshwar culture, rajasthan)

Seals were used to authorize the trade.

Shortugai(Afghanistan) was northernmost trade post(lapis lazuli mines). 

Harappa civilization Artefacts

Black and red ware pottery with design or human/animal figures painted on it.

Square shape seals. (one horned unicorn was predominant animal)

Mohenjo daro- Dancing girl statue of bronze(made using lost wax technique)

Bearded priest statue(fired steatite)

Pashupati seal(Steatite)

Mother goddess(terracotta)

Lothal(Gujarat)- Horse(terracotta)

Surkotada(Gujarat)- Horse remains was found

Harappa civilization Decline

Flooding- Maike and John marshall

Foreign Invasion- Child and Wheeler

Climate Change/Ecological Disturbance- Fair service

Vadnagar(Gujarat)- challenge the notion of a “Dark Age” and suggest a cultural continuity in India(Harappa- Vedic Age). Vadnagar’s ancient names include Anartapura and Anandapura. 

Harappa vs Rig Vedic Age

Pottery Evolution

4500 BC- Potters Wheel

4500 BC~ Plain Pottery

2000 BC- 200 AD Black & Red Ware (Harappan Civilization)

2000-1500 BC Ochre Coloured Pottery(Chalcolithic age, Ganga-Yamuna doab)

1200-600 BC Painted Grey Ware (Middle vedic age/iron age)

700-200 BC Northern Black Polished Ware (Mahajanapada period)

Table of contents Lecture 3


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