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Pre Independence Governance Part2

  Lecture 3  Pre Independence Governance Part2 British Government Rule GoI Act 1858   The act was passed by British Parliament after 1857 revolt(An Act for the Better Government of India).   The act ended the doctrine of lapse policy introduced by Dalhousie . The Indian Royal families were allowed to rule their territory under British rule.  The governance of India was transferred from EICo to the royal family(Queen Victoria). India became a direct British colony.  The post of Governor general of India was replaced by Viceroy and Governor General of India(Charles Canning) . To assist the viceroy there was an executive Council of 4 members.  The Royal Family got the power to appoint Viceroy(Governor general) and Governors.  The Court of Directors and Board of Control were scrapped. A new body Secretary of state for India (from British Cabinet- Edward Henry Stanley) was established with a 15 members council to assist him. The council was advisory in nature.  The Indian Civil Services w

Pre-Independence Governance Part1

  Lecture 2  Pre Independence Governance Part1 Background  Introduction   The Britishers ruled India for almost 200 years(1765- 1947). In 1764 after the battle of Buxar, EICo got the diwani right of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha. This was the start of British governance in the Indian continent.  Laissez-faire (French word)- free economy(no government interference) related to Charter Act 1833  Gentoo Portuguese used the word Gentoo to distinguish native Indian Hindu from Christian and Muslim people. Later it became popular among European power to use Gentoo for Indian Hindus.  With the rise in popularity of Hindu words, Gentoo was replaced by Hindu gradually. And Gentoo is used to refer Telugu speaking population only.  A Code of Gentoo Law(1776)- The very first attempt by the British to establish social laws on the Indian subcontinent for administrative purposes was named A Code of Gentoo Law . It was funded by the East India Company(under Warren Hastings) and was translated from Persian in

Terms Related to Law

  Law Related Terms Police Custody-  When suspect is in custody of Police and locked up in police station. The maximum duration of police custody is 15 days(CBI vs Anupam Kulkarni 1992)  Judicial Custody-  When suspect is in custody with the approval of Judge and locked up in Jail.  Custodial Interrogation-  Questioning of a suspect or accused by law enforcement authorities. In news because of ED which is neither police nor Jail Regular Bail-  Granted by court under section 437(for non-bailable offense) + 439 of CrPC Interim Bail-  Granted by court for temporary period till regular bail is under consideration. No mention of interim bail under CrPC, the concept of interim bail was introduced by Supreme Court in 2009(Lal Kamlendra Pratap Singh vs State of U.P.)  Anticipatory Bail-  Granted by only session court and High court under section 438 of CrPC Default Bail/Statutory Bail- Bail granted when the police fail to complete investigation within a specified period( Section 167(2) of CrPC

Polity Introduction

  Lecture 1 Indian Polity Polity Introduction   The term Polity(Governance) is derived by British Scholars from the Greek word Politeia. The term politeia was used by earlier Greek scholars Plato and Aristotle. Plato and Aristotle derived the term politeia from the Greek term Polis(State).  Polis → Politeia(Plato and Aristotle) → Polity(British scholars)  Aristotle elaborated on the topics and thinking of the Ideal State, slavery, revolution, education, citizenship, forms of government, theory of constitution etc. Because of his contribution Aristotle is called the father of political science. Evolution of Polity Religious Governance → Secular Governance   Great Schism(1054)- Eastern orthodoxic vs Catholic churches  Martin Luther(1483-1546, German)- Criticized Catholic Churches, start of Protestant states.  John Locke(1632-1704, Britain, Father of liberalism)- state with religion will fight religious war Montesquieu(1689-1755, France)- defined executive, legislative and judicia

International and National Days of India

  International Day 21 Feb-  International Mother Language Day Declared by UNESCO in 1999, later adopted by UNGA in 2002.  The day is a tribute to the Language Movement of 21 Feb 1952 done by the Bangladeshis(of East Pakistanis) in support of Bengali language.  Last day of Feb (28/29 Feb)-  Rare Disease Day Established by European Organisation for Rare Diseases 3 March-  United Nations World Wildlife Day (WWD) Declared by UNGA in 2013 to commemorates the signing of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES) in 1973. 1 May-  May day/Labour Day Declared by Second International organization to commemorate the 1886 Haymarket incident of Chicago 2nd saturday of May and Oct-  World Migratory Bird Day Celebrated by Conservation of Migratory Species(CMS) + African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement(AEWA) 17 May-  World Telecom Day(since 1969)  Foundation day of ITU by signing of International Telegraph Convention(1865)  18 May-  International

Vitamine or Vitamin: The Accidental discovery of Vitamin

  Vitamine vs Vitamin History   1910- Japanese scientist Umetaro Suzuki discovered a new nutrients(Vitamin B1) and named it Aberic acid 1912- nutrient(Vitamin B1) was rediscovered by Casimir Funk(Polish Biochemist). He coined the term Vitamine for discovered nutrient.  Coined Vitamine= Vital + Amine (having nitrogen atom)  Frederick Gowland Hopkins  later made experiment Protein+ Carbohydrate+ Fat+ Salt → No growth in Rat Protein+ Carbohydrate+ Fat+ Salt+ Milk → Growth in Rat He suggested- there are some accessory factors (Vitamine) in milk that are resulting in growth of Rat. And this accessory factors is not regular Amines.  1920- Jack Cecil Drummond proposed that not all vitamines have an amine component. So he asked to change the name from Vitamine to Vitamin.  Vitamine→Vitamin 1929- Frederick Gowland Hopkins got noble prize for discovery of Vitamin.  Facts (Name, Function, Associate Disease) Vitamin plays many important role in human body. The most important one is metabolism.

Formation of BJP

  Bhartiya Janta Party(BJP)  History Formation of RSS   K. B. Hedgawar a Revolutionary Joined the Anushilan Samiti in Bengal region. He was very much influenced by Hindutav written by V. D. Savarkar. Under the influence of Hindutva, he established Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) in Maharashtra region to unite Hindu against British rule.  27 Sep 1925- RSS was established, but it didn't play any active role in Indian Independence Movement.  Formation of BJP 1929- Shyam Prasad Mukherjee(Founder of BJS) joined Indian National Congress(INC)  1939- Shyam Prasad Mukherjee joined Hindu Mahasabha 1947- Shyam Prasad Mukherjee as a member of Hindu Mahasabha supported partition of India.  1947-  Shyam Prasad Mukherjee got the post of Minister of Industry and Supply(interim government of J. L. Nehru)  1948-  After the death of Gandhiji, Shyam Prasad Mukherjee started distancing himself from Hindu Mahasabha and finally left it in 1948 on the issue of granting membership of Hindu Mahasabha to