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International and National Days of India


International Day

21 Feb- International Mother Language Day
Declared by UNESCO in 1999, later adopted by UNGA in 2002. 
The day is a tribute to the Language Movement of 21 Feb 1952 done by the Bangladeshis(of East Pakistanis) in support of Bengali language. 

Last day of Feb (28/29 Feb)- Rare Disease Day
Established by European Organisation for Rare Diseases

3 March- United Nations World Wildlife Day (WWD)
Declared by UNGA in 2013 to commemorates the signing of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES) in 1973.

1 May- May day/Labour Day
Declared by Second International organization to commemorate the 1886 Haymarket incident of Chicago

2nd saturday of May and Oct- World Migratory Bird Day

Celebrated by Conservation of Migratory Species(CMS) + African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement(AEWA)

17 May- World Telecom Day(since 1969) 

Foundation day of ITU by signing of International Telegraph Convention(1865) 

18 May- International Museum Day(since 1977) 

Established by International Council of Museum(ICOM), HQ- Paris, France

20 May- World Bee Day(birthday of Anton Jansa from Slovenia, a pioneer of modern beekeeping) 

Declared by UNGA in 2007 after proposed by Slovenia

22 May- International Biological Diversity Day

Declared by UNGA in 1993

28 May- World Menstrual Hygiene Day(by WASH United, Germany based NGO) 

28/05- 28 represent length of the menstrual cycle, and 5 represent duration of menstruation(5 day each month) 

29 May- International Everest Day

To commemorate the reaching at top of highest mountain on the earth on 29 May 1953 by Edmund Hillary(New Zealand) and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa(Nepal). 

29 May- International Day of UN Peacekeepers

Designated by UNGA to commemorate the anniversary of the first UN peacekeeping mission(Israel-Palestine) in 1948.

31 May- World No Tobacco Day

Established by WHO in 1987

1 June- World Milk Day

5 June- World Environment Day

Established by UNGA in 1972(1st day of Stockholm conference) 

7 June- World Food Safety Day

Established by UNGA in 2019 and celebrated by WHO + FAO(UN) 

9 June- International Archives Day

to commemorate the date when the International Council on Archives (ICA) was created under the auspices of UNESCO in 1948(Since 2008) 

12 June- World Day Against Child Labour

Established by International Labour Organization(ILO) 

17 June- World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

Established by UNGA(1994~) 

21 June- International Day of Yoga(IDY) on the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere
Established by UNGA in 2014, after it was proposed by India
1st IDY was celebrated in 2015 at Rajpath, Delhi with records of higest number of Participation and participants from 84 countries. 

26 June- International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Established by UNGA in 1987. Every year the World Drug Report is published on this day by UNODC. 

27 June- International MSME Day

Established by UNGA in 2017.

30 June- International Asteroid Day

Anniversary of the Tunguska event in Russia. 

6 July- World Zoonosis Day

To commemorate the first vaccination against zoonotic disease by French Scientists Louis Pasteur in 1885

11 July- World Population Day
Established by UNDP in 1989(to celebrate 11 July 1987, when world population reached 5 billion)
As per World Population Prospect(Report by UN) world population reached 8 billion figure in November 2022

20 July- International Moon Day

Declared by UN in 2021 to commemorate the historic Apollo 11 mission's landing on the Moon in 1969.

25 July- World Drowning Prevention Day

Declared by UNGA in 2021 to coordinate action on drowning prevention

9 Aug- World Tribal Day

Declared by UNGA in 1994. This day recognize the first meeting of UN working group on indigenous people, Geneva(1982). 

10 Aug- World Biofuel Day

On this day peanut oil was successfully used by German Engineer Sir Rudolf Diesel to run a engine. 

10 Aug- World Lion Day

12 Aug- World Elephant Day

13 Aug- World Organ Donation Day

First successful kidney transplant in 1954.(National Organ Donation Day- 3 Aug) 

Shraavana full moon day(Purnima) Aug- World Sanskrit Day
First celebrated in 1969. To commemorate the birth of Panini

26 Sep- International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 
Declared by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 2013. 

7 Oct- World Cotton Day

Declared by WTO in 2019 on the request of Cotton-4 nations, which are Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Mali.

15 Oct- World Student Day

To commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul kalam

16 Oct- World Food Day

To commemorate the founding of FAO on 16 Oct 1945

3 Nov- World Biosphere Reserves Day

To conserve biodiversity and established by UNESCO in 2022

7 Dec- International Civil Aviation Day(ICAD)

established in 1994 as part of the 50th anniversary of the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO)

10 Dec- Human Rights Day
To commemorate the approval of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the UN General Assembly in 1948. 

National Day

24 Jan- National Girl Child day
Established in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. 
On 24 Jan 1966, Smt. Indira Gandhi took the oath as the first woman Prime Minister of India. 

28 Feb- National Science Day

In 1928, on 28th February CV Raman discovered the Raman Effect. 

11 May- National Technology day
First celebrated in year 1999 by Atal Bihari Bajpeyi to commemorate the Pokhran Nuclear Testing(Operation Shakti 11 May 1998) 
First Nuclear Test of India was conducted at Pokhran under operation Smiling Buddha in 18 May 1974(Indira Gandhi was PM) 

29 June- National Statistics day

To commemorate the birthday of Professor P. C. Mahalanobis(founder of Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta) 

30 June- Hul Diwas

In memory of Sidho and Kanhu Murmu, tribal leaders of Santhal hul revolt on 30 June 1855 at Bhognadih in Sahebganj district(Jharkhand) 

1 July- National Doctors Day

Birthday anniversary of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy(Born on 1 July 1882) 

15 July- Sushruta Jayanti

In honour of ancient India surgeon Sushruta

24 July- Income Tax Day(Aaykar Diwas) 

On this day in 1860, Income tax was introduced by Sir James Wilson to meet the losses of 1857

3 Aug- National Organ Donation Day

7 Aug- National Handloom day(2015~) 

On this day(7 Aug) in 1905, the Swadeshi movement was launched. National handloom day is to commemorate the launch of Swadeshi movement. 

23 Aug- National Space day(2023~) 
On this day, chandrayaan 3 landed on the moon surface. 
Crashed site of chandrayaan 2- Tiranga
Landing site of chandrayaan 3- Shiv Shakti

15 Oct- National Innovation Day

To commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul kalam

26 Nov- National Milk day(1 June- World Milk Day)
Birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien(Father of White Revolution in India) 

14 Dec- National Energy Conservation Day
Hosted by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency under the Ministry of Power, Government of India, the event is integral to the Energy Conservation Act 2001's mandate to promote and regulate energy efficiency. 

24 Dec- National Consumer Rights Day
Consumer Protection Act 1986 received the President's assent on December 24, 1986.
(15 march- world consumer rights day) 

25 Dec- Good Governance Day
Birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee

(National) Force Day

14 Jan- Armed Forces Veterans’ Day  
On this day in 1953, the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army Field Marshal KM Cariappa, who led the forces to victory in the 1947 war, formally retired from the Service. 

15 Jan- Army Day  
Power handover by British Commander-in-Chief General Francis Roy Bucher to Indian Lieutenant General Kodandera M. Cariappa on 15 Jan 1949.
Gallantry and Sena medals are also awarded on this day. 

8 Oct- Air Force Day

Indian Air force was established on 8 Oct 1932.

27 Oct- Infantry Day

Landing of the first infantry soldiers in Srinagar to protect Kashmir for Pakistani invaders. 

4 Dec- Navy Day
On this day Operation Trident was launched by Indian Navy in 1971 war. And in this operation Indian Navy sank 4 Pakistani vessels. 


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