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Polity Introduction

 Lecture 1 Indian Polity

Polity Introduction 

The term Polity(Governance) is derived by British Scholars from the Greek word Politeia. The term politeia was used by earlier Greek scholars Plato and Aristotle. Plato and Aristotle derived the term politeia from the Greek term Polis(State). 

Polis Politeia(Plato and Aristotle) Polity(British scholars) 

Aristotle elaborated on the topics and thinking of the Ideal State, slavery, revolution, education, citizenship, forms of government, theory of constitution etc.

Because of his contribution Aristotle is called the father of political science.

Evolution of Polity Religious Governance → Secular Governance 

Great Schism(1054)- Eastern orthodoxic vs Catholic churches 

Martin Luther(1483-1546, German)- Criticized Catholic Churches, start of Protestant states. 

John Locke(1632-1704, Britain, Father of liberalism)- state with religion will fight religious war

Montesquieu(1689-1755, France)- defined executive, legislative and judicial organs of state and gave the concept of Separation of Power in his book the spirit of laws. 

Thomas Jefferson(1743-1826, US)- separation of Church and state

Karl Marx(1818-1883, German)- communism

A. V. Dicey(1835-1922, Britain)- rule of law

Polity Definition 

Polity is a process of governance by a collective group of people/entities.

Polity Components 

With the rise of society, governing structure came into picture. 

Over time, some governing structures codified the Governance method in the form of a Constitution for a stable rule, while other governing structures continued to rule without a written Constitution. (Restructuring of governance based on Constitution) 

Also it is the governing structure that established the system of check and balance and laid down the governing policy from time to time. 

The three pillar of Governance- legislative, executive and Judiciary (Separation of Power- by French scholar Montesquieu) 

Polity Governance Types 

Based on the role of citizens, the governance is divided into 3 broad categories-Communist, Authoritarian, Democratic

Theocracy- the rule of God, human incarnation of god

Noocracy- Rule by the wise

Timocracy- property owners may participate in governance

Aristocracy- power in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class, the aristocrats(rulers above the law) 

Oligarchy(Corrupt form of Aristocracy)- power rests with a small number of people(rulers above the law) 

Plutocracy(Part of Oligarchy, advanced forms of Timocracy)- society is ruled by people of great wealth or income

Autocratic- power over a state is concentrated in the hands of one person(absolute monarchy)

Kleptocracy- corrupt leaders (kleptocrats)

Kraterocracy- Rule by the strong

Kritarchy- governmental and the legal system are constitutionally intertwined

Stratocracy- form of government headed by military chiefs

Ergatocracy- Rule by the proletariat(Communism) 

Technocracy- Rule by the educated or technical experts

Polity Governing Structure(Communism) 

communis(Latin)- of the community(Ownership of resources was held by community) 

classless, egalitarian society without government(the governance is done by community- dictatorship of the proletariat) 

Karl Marx- made the concept of communism popular in Europe.(Industrial communism) 

As the industrialization led to more inequality in the society. Marx popularized the concept of communism as a means to end inequality. He proposed the common ownership of the means of production. 

Agriculture society→ Industrial society(higher inequality) → Communist society

Vladimir Lenin- representative of community for governance

Agriculture society→ Industrial society(higher inequality) → Communist society led by representative

Mao Zedong-

Agriculture society→ Communist society led by representative


Polity Governing Structure(Authoritarian)  

Authoritarian- Authoritarian regimes have greater control over the public and private lives of their people. In Authoritarian governance power can be in a single hand(Dictator) or a group of leaders.

Dictatorship- In dictatorship, a single individual has gained power through force and everyone has to follow his policies. 

The dictatorship is similar to absolute monarchy but dictatorship is more corrupt than absolute monarchy. Dictatorship is imposing political views on individuals. 

Totalitarianism- more repressive than authoritarianism(imposing personal views in all dimension) 

Polity Governing Structure(Democracy)

People have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation.

Abraham Lincoln- Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people

1. Direct democracy- referendums, initiatives and recall

Plebiscite is a kind of referendum held by the government on the strength of the right to self determination enjoyed by the section of people. Plebiscite can be held on only one issue namely Right to self determination. The outcome of Plebiscite may or may not be legally binding on the government. Since it has the potential to disturb the territorial integrity of a country,

2. Representative democracy- representatives are elected by the people to act in the people's interest(Republic- elected president, Monarchy- King as a president) 

Parliamentary system 

Presidential system

Polity Governing Structure(Democracy- Parliamentary vs Presidential Governance)

Ivor Jennings referred Parliamentary system as Cabinet system as in this form power lies with cabinet. 

Polity Governing Document(Constitution)

A comprehensive document(set of documents- UK) that describes state machinery and norms to be followed by the State. By describing the norms, it sets limitations on state as well as people governed by it and avoid the Anarchism(Rule of law). 

In other words- A framework of polity for relationship between state and its people.

Rule of law- everyone is accountable to the same laws. Aristotle led the philosophy, but the term”rule of law” was coined in the 16th century in Britain. Later A. V. Dicey made it popular in the 19th century. 

Non-static(organic) in nature- can grow through amendments and other means. 

Separation of power- the theory of separation of powers was given by French philosopher and Judge Montesquieu in his book the spirit of laws in the 18th century. 

First written Constitution(1793)- America

Table of Contents                                              Lecture 2


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