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Orthodoxic Islam

This post is not to hurt anyone religious sentiment but to put some facts forward for intellectual development. 
Every religion/nation went through the process of reform with a dark history but Islam still need reform to end the orthodoxy part of Islam. 
The facts are. 
1. Sharia law: most of the Islamic nation having majority population of Muslims follow this. 
If you read it. You will know how much they violate human rights through use of Sharia law. 
In India banned by Madras High court
2. Partiality with minorities: if you live in a nation having Islamic population as minority, you will find only Shia and Sunni two sect of Islam.
But when you visit Islamic majority country you will find multiple sect and the suppression of minorities. The recent famous person Nobel peace prize winner Malala Yousafzai
She lived in Islam majority country and faced the problem for it.
She was from Pakistan, a country reside between China developed and India developing country. That has some effect of these two nations.
When you visit the Arab nations the condition of women is more worst.
They have money but women can't go outside alone.
3. If you don't believe in "God as human form" , have you ever thought who decided Caliphate Muhammad will be the messanger of God.
It's his popularity that made him messanger of God.
And if the ruler of Ottoman Empire was messanger of God, why didn't God helped him in world war1.
Even God is not with his messanger.
Now if some people want to know why didn't God saved Jesus.
Let me tell you Jesus accepted the death.
The last statement of Jesus is "oh god, forgive them because they don't know what they are doing".
All the major term of Islam is given by philosophers like haram, halal etc.
Now the biggest follness start with halal.
Because the term is introduced for bloodless "mainly for vagiterian". But over the time people modified it's meaning based on their desire and tried to justify it with logic that blood contains viruses/germs.
When the term was introduced they are unaware of such things through which people trying to justify it.
Let's have the partial definition of inflation. "grabbing the purchase power of customer by increasing good price".
Now a govt come & say we will against inflation so we will not increase the goods price. But we will reduce everyones income.
Those who believe in Islam I request please read history of Islam and then accept it rather than being orthodox.


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