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Resolution 2758: A Conspiracy

(Author has taken creative liberty with this piece) 


London star cafe
Chia hao: Manny! Take care of the cafe, I will be back in an hour.
Chia hao comes out of the cafe.
A customer: Where is she going?
Manny: She is going to pick up her children Hachi(5 year) and Suyi(3 year) from school.
Customer: Is she married?
Manny: She is divorced, but she is a great mom.
After spending some time at the playground with children, Chia hao returned to the cafe with the children.
Both children take a corner seat in the cafe and start doing their homework. And Chia hao starts serving customers.

The world conference of communist party ends
Mao returns to china.
Secretary: sir! How was the conference?
Mao: Communist countries are ready to support us at the UN.
Did you send money/bribe to Albania's leader?
Secretary: Yes, sir. Our agent delivered the money to Mr. Hoxha.
Mao: What about girls?
Secretary: We informed them and soon they will reach albania.

London star cafe
Postman: Ma'am a letter for you from albania.
Chia hao got tensed after reading the letter.
Manny: What happened ma'am? Are you OK?
Chia hao: I have to leave today for Albania and it will take one or two week.
Will you take care of children and cafe meanwhile?
Manny: Don't worry ma'am. I will take good care of everything. Just take care of yourself.

Chia hao lands in Albania and reaches uncle lee house at berat city.
Chia hao: uncle! Why don't you come and live with us at london?
What if the cleaner did not visit on that day? You were dead in a closed house and no one knew it.
What you are doing here alone.
lee: I have many memories attached with this house. How I and your aunt built this house.
I feel her in this house. Everyone dies one day and I want to die at this place.
Anyway, how are Hachi and Suyi?
Chia hao: They are fine. I am here for some time to look for you.
And if you change your mind, we can go together London.
Chia hao stayed and served uncle Lee until he recovered back.
After one week, Chia hao returned to England with gifts for children.

Year 1971
Mao: Is everything ready?
Secretary: Yes, sir. Albania leader Mr. Hoxha confirmed that Albania will initiate a resolution with 16 more countries in UNGA.
Albania proposed the resolution to replace the Republic of China with the People's Republic of China at UN.
Resolution 2758 passed with 2/3 majority at UNGA and Taiwan lost its representation in UN.

The People's Republic of China organised a grand celebration.
And after some months, the People's Republic of China cut down the official and unofficial funds to Albania.
Year 1972
Aggrieved Hoxha(to communist china representative, Wong): Why no money delivered to me this year?
If I can make you get representation at the UN, then I can also work to get your representation snatched.
Communist China representative, Wong, shows some photos to Hoxha and says if you want to continue your rule on Albania, then be in limit with me.
Frustrated Hoxha leaves the room with a promise to take revenge.
Unable to do anything against communist china, Hoxha start writing his frustration in a diary named "reflection on china"
Year 1972  entry in diary
It is clear that... China is not following a policy guided by Marxism-Leninism. Its policy is being brought into line, and will be brought even more into line with the policy of a great power, which is trying to consolidate its positions in the international arena, through friendships, through alliances, through pragmatic relations, not based on sound Marxist-Leninist principles and on the interests of socialism and the world revolution, but on the interests of a great powerful China, which calls itself socialist, but which is not socialist in reality

Year 1973  entry in diary
... have cut off their contacts with us, and the contacts which they maintain are merely formal diplomatic ones. Albania is no longer the 'faithful, special friend'... They are maintaining the economic agreements though with delays, but it is quite obvious that their 'initial ardor' has died

Year 1974
Minister of defence, Beqir Balluku openly criticized Hoxha's bunker program.
In response Hoxha declared him as an agent of China, trying to make a coup in Albania.
Hoxha ordered the arrest of Beqir Balluku and appointed Mehmet Shehu, PM of Albania on the post of minister of defence.

Year 1975
Hoxha ordered the execution of Beqir Balluku.

Year 1976, Funeral of mao.
Hoxha: My time is coming.
Hoxha ordered the arrest of all Chinese girls aged between 15-35 from Berat city.
Police Chief: sir! Under what charge we will arrest them.
Hoxha: Frame them in drug trafficking, human trafficking whatever you want. But I want all of them arrested in one month.

Oct 1976
Uncle Lee took last breath at his house in Berat city.
Chia hao came to Albania for the last ritual of uncle lee.
When Chia hao returns to uncle lee house, she gets arrested under drug trafficking charges.
When Manny came to know about the arrest of Chia hao. She sent a letter to Chia hao's brother Xian about her arrest.

Xian, a military intelligence officer of the Taiwan army, met with Taiwan leaders to discuss the issue of Chia hao.
Taiwan leader: We can't do anything.
Xian: Why?
Taiwan leader: First, Albania does not have diplomatic relations with us.
Second, she was arrested in a drug trafficking case.
The third and most important thing is that your sister has British citizenship.
So, meet with British leaders.

Xian resigned from the military post and took flight for London.
Xian reaches the London star cafe, where two crying children hug him and ask him "uncle when will mom return?"
Xian: I promise you that I will bring her back.
After that, Xian tried to meet London's top leader but was stopped by security forces.
Seeing Xian standing outside his house for more than 6 hours, the London's top leader asked security guards to move Xian away.
Security personnel come out with guns and try to intimidate Xian, but Xian does not leave the place.
The whole night passed and in the morning, finally London's top leader agreed to meet Xian.
Xian tells the problem of Chia hao.
London's top leader: She was arrested in a drug trafficking case, so we can't help you until someone proves she was falsely charged/framed.

After finding no hope, Xian took a flight of Albania.

Wong blackmails Hoxha and asks to release the arrested Chinese girl. Gave a list of girls to be released.
Hoxha's secretary: We made 50 arrests and the release list has only 49 names. The only name that is missing is Chia hao. She is not even from the People's Republic of china. She has the origin of the Republic of china.
Hoxha: What was she doing here? Is she a spy for the Republic of china?
Release all other girls and transfer Chia hao to military jail.

Xian interacted with local people of Berat city and he came to know that all arrested girls were released except Chia hao, who is now in military imprisonment.
Xian disguise as a waiter and joins the military party organised by communist china.
Over there, Xian finds top military leaders are getting bribed by communist china. He secretly took some photos.
After developing many copies of the photo, Xian left it in front of top news agencies of berat.
At his room, Xian looks towards a board and tries to find links among drug trafficking, chinese girls arrest, military imprisonment of Chia hao and communist china-military conspiracy.

Year 1977, next day newspapers front page article
Albania military and chinese conspiracy
After reading news
Hoxha: These chinese blackmailers do not leave even our military commanders.
After getting the Chinese conspiracy public, top military officials were purged from the military.
Wong organises a secret meeting with purged military commanders at lake house, butrint national park.
At the party, people start drinking and playing with girls.
After some time one of them heads to the food table and removes the food cover lid.
The light starts blinking and vipers appear beneath the food lid. Stampede occurs at the party and those who tried to go out through the exit door are grabbed by crocodiles.
After a few hours the whole place became bloody.
Hoxha gets completely shocked with this event and after that he asks security personnel to eliminate Wong secretly.
After a week, Wong is found dead at his house in a mysterious way.
In response, the People's republic of china terminated all economic and military aid to albania in 1978.

While investigating the case, Xian meets drug dealers, but there he finds a drug addicted Chinese girl at gunpoint.
Xian confronted drug dealers to save the girl but they shot her down and ran away.
Xian: Keep your eyes open. I will take you to the hospital.
Chinese girl: It is too late. I know you, you were trying to find out why chinese girls got arrested.
I have something for you. She gives a key to Xian and tell a address.
The girl died before reaching the hospital. Xian left her body at a quiet place and moved to the address given by the girl.
There he found a box. After unlocking the box, he finds photos of Hoxha taking bribes from communist china representatives and playing with chinese girls.

Xian enters secretly in  the people's socialist republic of Albania office. And point a gun at the back of the head of the person sitting on Hoxha's chair.
Xian warns, if you make a sound then I will shoot down. Xian put the photos on the table.
The sitting person asks what do you want?
Xian replied, " I want the release of an arrested girl Chia hao in a drug trafficking case".
The person says "I can help you but first you have to believe in me".
Xian put down the gun.
The person introduced himself to Xian- I am Mehmet Shehu.
I doubted our leader is doing something wrong and you have proof for it. Use it judiciously otherwise you and the arrested girl both will get terminated.
I can't release her right now. But I can take you to the place where she is imprisoned.
I will take you there with a condition that you will not talk to her. If your identity gets uncovered, we both will die there.
Xian promised to Mehmet Shehu.

Xian dresses up as Shehu's personal guard and both move to military prison.
At the military prison, the military commander offers coffee to Shehu and asks what Shehu is doing here.
Shehu: I am here for a normal visit to check facilities at military prison. But first I want a list of prisoners.
After seeing the list, Shehu secretly informs the cell number of Chia hao to Xian.
During the facility inspection Shehu stops at the Chia hao cell and starts asking a few questions to the military commander.
Xian looks at the fainted Chia hao lying in her cell with blood on her face.
While returning from prison Xian punches on the Shehu's car glass in anger. The glass gets broken and Xian's hand gets bloody. Distracted by this, the driver had a minor accident. Xian left the place while Shehu was trying to stop him.
The Whole night Xian cries for his sister. The next morning, he visited Shehu's house.
Shehu: Last night, what you did was dangerous. If anybody comes to know who you are and what I am doing with you, then we both get killed. This is not the way to get things worked.
Xian: Sorry, I couldn't control myself last night.
Shehu: Don't worry, I managed things last night. Can you give me proof of Hoxha wrongdoings?
Xian: I will give it to you after the safe escape of Chia hao from Albania.
Shehu: Then make a better plan for it. In april 1979, the military is planning to transfer the prisoners to a different location.
I will give you a route map and all other information. I will also manage guns and other resources. but the plan should be solid.
Meet me next week wednesday. At that time, I will get the route map.
Xian starts analysing roads nearby the current military prison and finds all possible routes that can be used to transfer prisoners from the current city to nearby different cities.
Next Wednesday, Shehu gave him a route map and detailed plan of prisoner transfer.

Xian decides on a midway point to attack on a military convoy. He asks shehu to assist him in getting a building on rent nearby the attack location.
April 1979, Xian is in a rented building full of guns, bullets and grenades.
As the military convoy passes through the building, bomb blast happen under one of security vehicle. Xian comes out with guns in both hands and a mask on face.
With bullet shells falling down and killing army personnel, Xian reaches the prisoner's vehicle. When Xian opens the door of the vehicle he gets a bullet shot  on his shoulder by a military person.
Xian kills him with a knife and looks for Chia hao in the vehicle. But to his surprise, she was not there.
Xian blast a smoke bomb and in dark smoke he secretly enter in nearby gutter after blasting the rented building.
Xian comes out from a distant place and goes into a house. lit a fire there and put a knife into it.
Xian took out the bullet with a heated knife and fell unconscious.
When Xian opened his eyes, he found Shehu next to him.
Shehu: Everything got messed up, investigation began for yesterday's incident.
Xian(in anger): Why was Chia hao not in the convoy?
Shehu: I have no idea. Things get heated up, stay low for some time. And will not come to meet me until things get sorted out.
Shehu left the place.

Hoxha's secretary: sir, The building that got blasted in an army convoy attack was brokered by Fadil Kaceli for rent.
And Shehu is a close ally of Fadil Kaceli.
Hoxha: What do you mean? Are you trying to say Shehu is part of this conspiracy?
Secretary: sir, We don't have any solid evidence but circumstances indicate Shehu is involved in this somehow.
Hoxha: Start monitoring Shehu. And what about Fadil?
Secretary: sir, Fadil left Albania one day before the attack and we don't know his current location.
Hoxha: I want a report on Shehu's every minute activity. Deploy our men on the mission.
Secretary: sir, I will inform you after doing all the arrangements.
The Secretary leaves the room.
Shehu came to meet Hoxha. Shehu talks with Hoxha on different issues including the recent attack on a military convoy.
After the meeting Shehu returns to his palace.

After a few months
Secretary: sir. We monitored Shehu for the past few months, but didn't find anything.
Also, We cannot completely ignore one of the theories of investigation agencies that Shehu was somehow involved in this.
Doubting Shehu's loyalty, Hoxha starts ignoring Shehu at various events.

With time the distance between Hoxha and Shehu became large. And in 1980 Hoxha made an announcement of Ramiz Alia as next party leader instead of Shehu.
Shehu's vehicle comes out of his palace, Hoxha's spies follow his car.
While Shehu's vehicle is getting followed by spies, Shehu disguises as a servant and leaves the palace.
Shehu visits Xian and drops a paper nearby him, they both act as strangers and after that Shehu returns to the palace. Xian reads the paper and burns it.
Meanwhile, spies continue to follow Shehu's vehicle and after 2 hours of continuous drive Shehu's vehicle returns to his place.
The confused spies- What's going on? A two hour drive without stopping at any location. Did he come to know that we are following him?
Another spy- Who knows and who cares. Let's just wait here until the boss calls back.
The Next day, Xian attacks a less guarded private building. Xian kills two security personnel at the main gate and enters the building.
In the building, he found four army personnel. A fight happens and Xian kills all of them.
Xian opens the door of the next room and finds Chia hao tied on a chair and blindfolded. Xian unties Chia hao and removes cloth from her eyes.
Seeing Xian next to her, Chia hao hugs her and starts crying.
Xian: Everything is ok. I am here.
Xian comes out of the building with chia hao and moves toward a car.
Xian drives toward the adriatic sea.
At the Adriatic sea port, both board on a private ship in the dark night.
In the morning the ship reaches one of the sea ports of greece. Xian and Chia hao disembark the ship.
Xian took chia hao to a restaurant. Xian tries to feed Chia hao and tears come out of Chia hao's eyes.
While they were having lunch a person came to meet Xian. Xian introduced that person to Chia hao.
Xian tells Chia hao "He is my friend, and he will be with you on your journey to England".
Chia hao asked "why can't we go together".
Xian replied "I have a friend in Albania and I have to give something to him. Don't worry, you are safe now and soon I will come to  meet you at london.
Chia hao and Xian's friend board a ship bound to london.
The Ship starts moving, Chia hao waives hand to say good bye and the distance between Chia hao and Xian starts getting larger.

Xian looks at the moving boat and gradually the boat gets out of sight in the vast sea. Xian moves to a nearby bar and drinks a lot. Xian comes out of the bar with many bottles of alcohol.
Xian boards on a private ship.
Next morning, while Chia hao reunites with her children in London, Xian disembark at the coast of Albania in a hangover.
Xian washes his face with sea water and looks around the area. Xian breaks the door of a nearby car and starts driving.
After a long drive, Xian reaches a city, where he leaves the stolen car. Xian starts walking on the road and buys a burger from a street vendor.
Xian secretly enters the palace of Shehu. Xian and Shehu make some interaction and Xian hands over an envelope to Shehu.
While leaving the palace, Xian gets spotted by one of the Hoxha's spies.  
As Xian walks, the spy follows his step. Xian calls for a taxi and boards it.
The taxi barely moves 500 m and gets blasted.
Spies enter into the Shehu's palace and start an investigation.
Shehu: How dare you enter my house?
One of the spies slaps Shehu and they continue the investigation.
Finally one spy finds the envelope and after that Shehu gets killed.
They rearrange the palace and make it look like sucide.
The Envelope gets delivered to Hoxha. When Hoxha opened it, he found only one photo in it.
Hoxha(in anger): Where is the rest of the evidence?
Hoxha's agent: sir, we got only this from Shehu's palace.
Hoxha: Did you check thoroughly?
Hoxha's agent: Yes sir, our men did not leave any corner unchecked.

Hoxha organized a press conference.
In the press conference, Hoxha gave a statement that Shehu was a stain on albania. Our intelligence service found a vault in his house, where documents of Yugoslav government were stored.
Shehu was trying to kill me on the order of yugoslav government and was trying to take power in his hand.
But he was a coward who committed suicide yesterday.

dec 1981 news article:
The biggest traitor of albania-
Shehu, an agent of CIA, russia, MI6, China committed suicide yesterday.

Adil carcani became the new prime minister of albania.

Hoxha's agent: sir, What to do with family and relatives of shehu, they are creating trouble.
Hoxha- Arrest all of them, rest I will manage.

Shehu's wife and two sons get arrested.
In jan 1982, Fecor Shehu, minister of internal affairs, was arrested with many other political leaders and army officers.

News of the death of Mehmet Shehu, former prime minister of Albania for 28 year spread around all corners of the world.
Fadil Kaceli(from New zealand) contacts his friend Xhevdet Mustafa(New York).
Xhevdet Mustafa made a promise to Fadil that they will take revenge for the death of Shehu.
Xhevdet says "he will contact Fadil after making all the arrangements''.
Xhevdet starts contacting his allies and asking them to arrange resources at Rome under supervision of Sabaudin Hasnedar.
While  Xhevdet  is planning to assassinate Hoxha, Sigurimi(secret police of Albania) inform Hoxha about Mustafa Band and their plan to assassinate Hoxha.
Hoxha: Make arrangements for the grand welcome of Mustafa band.
Sigurimi's chief: says "sir, we are ready for a grand welcome but we have no idea of the party date till now".
Hoxha: Get all the information.
Sigurimi's chief: We will inform you sir, as we will get details.

july 1982
Mustafa band meets at rome.
Four members Xhevdet Mustafa, Sabaudin Hasnedar, Halit Bajrami and Fadil Kaceli decide to lead the mission.
They raise the glass with a statement for Shehu. Party got started.
Halit starts to move out of the party room. Sabaudin stops him and asks why he is leaving early.
In response, Halit says "I will be back in a few minutes, just going to the toilet".
After that, Halit left the place.
Halit drops a paper from the window of the toilet and after that he rejoins the party.
After the party ends, Mustafa, Sabaudin, Halid and Fadil get into a car. As they started driving, another car hit them.
A drunken driver comes out from another car, and Mustafa band gets into conflict with a local gang. Fadil Kaceli got injured in the conflict.
Kaceli is admitted to Rome hospital. Assasination plan gets postponed.
While in Albania, Sigurimi's chief interacts with Hoxha and after that, the whole Albania gets on high alert.
Kaceli did not recover from injuries even after a week. Then other members of the Mustafa band decide to carry out the mission without Kaceli.
In september 1982, Xhevdet Mustafa, Sabaudin Hasnedar and Halit Bajrami boarded a boat with guns, money and radio transmitter.
In Albania, Sigurimi's men start looking for the Mustafa band on the ports of Tirana.
While Xhevdet drives the boat to a private beach at Divjake. They enter the forest of Karavasta and spend the night at an isolated house.
At dawn, Xhevdet and Sabaudin decide to explore the region. They get spotted by two petrolmen. Petrolmen try to take their gun out but before that they get shooted down.
The two petrolmen died on spot. Finding the place not safe, Xhevdet and Sabaudin return to Halit(an isolated house).
As Xhevdet enters the house, Xhevdet in a loud voice asks "how evidence papers get burned".
Halit replies that he was trying to light the fire but accidently evidence paper got burned.
Sabaudin mediate. We don't have time for spat, the police can come here at any time. Pack all necessary things and let's leave.
As they came out of the house, police on a petrol boat asked them to surrender. Xhevdet starts firing and he kills policemen.
They evade the place. Come out of the forest and start walking on the road.
They continue their walk till sunset. In the evening, they reach a small bridge. They decide to rest there.
Next morning, they seek lift and with the help of civilians they reach Rrogozhine train station.
Halit purchased the train ticket to Tirana. While they were waiting for the train, police officers came to Sabaudin and asked for an identity card.
Halit tries to bribe a police officer for not having identity.
Police officers arrest Halit, seeing that Xhevdet and Sabaudin start running away from the station.
Xhevdet comes out of the station and steals a delivery van to run away. While Sabaudin runs towards a military bunker and jumps into it.
Police officers surround the military bunker.
Sabaudin throws Hoxha's photos from the bunker and says you all are serving a demon.
After seeing the photo, police officers start firing on Sabaudin and destroy the photo.
Xhevdet reaches Lushnje and enters a house to hide. He tied all the residents of the house and blindfolded them.
But soon, he gets located by police and gets surrounded by police. After finding no other way, Xhevdet shot himself.

Police officers handover Halit to Sigurimi.
Halit demands to meet Sigurimi's chief otherwise he will not give any information.
Sigurimi's chief comes to meet halit.
Sigurimi's chief: You have done a good job. Don't disclose your identity to anyone, just tell the name of people involved in this case.
I will reinstall you at your post after one year.
Halit confirms the assassination plan was supported by minister of defence Kadri Hazbiu an allay of  Mehmet Shehu.
Kadir Hazbiu gets arrested for conspiracy and the court case gets started.
Prokop Murra is installed as the new minister of defence.

In nov 1982, Ramiz Alia became chairman of presidium of the people's socialist republic of albania
A party was organised for celebration.
A new dish became the hot topic of discussion at the party.
Hoxha meets Ardit, the cook of an awesome dish and assigns him as his personal servant.

The court case of Kadir Hazri continues.
Lawyer plead in court and in year 1983, court convict Kadir Hazbiu in assassination case.
Kadir Hazbiu and Fecor Shehu were executed on september 1983.
Halit gets released from Albania and rejoins Sigurimi at New zealand.
While Hoxha in hospital get diagnosed with cerebral ischemia.
After a few days of diagnosis, Hoxha starts his retirement leaving more administrative power to alia.
With the passing of time Hoxha's health starts getting worse. Ardit dedicated himself to taking care of hoxha.
on 9 april 1985
Ardit: sir, Here is your medicine.
After looking at medicine, Hoxha starts doubting and resists taking medicine.
Hoxha asks "who are you?".
Ardit takes off his face mask and replies " I am someone's brother, someone's uncle and someone's friend to whom you did injustice. I am here for their justice.
I ensured you get a slow and painful death. After saying this Xian forcefully put the medicine in Hoxha's mouth.
Hoxha gets struck by a ventricular fibrillation. Xian leaves the place.
For next two days Hoxha had repeated episodes of arrhythmia and he had a painful death on 11 april 1985.
On 12 april 1985, when Chia Hao opens the door of London start cafe, she finds Xian next to him. Chia hao hugs Xian.    
20 year old Hachi and 18 year old Suyi meet with their uncle Xian.
Hachi: Uncle Xian will listen to my story first.
Suyi slaps on the head of Hachi and says, he loves me more and he will listen to my story first.
Chia hao: No stories, first bring coffee and snacks for uncle Xian.
Chit chat starts in the reunited family, everyone laughs.
Chia hao put a closed sign board on the door of London Star cafe.

Author has plan to write a full length novel on this story. 
Any publication house interested in publishing novel based on this story, please send us a message at our Facebook page(link given below).


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