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GoI Missions/Issues


1. Jal Jeevan Mission(2019-2024) 

Central Sponsored Scheme

Launched by Ministry of Jal Shakti in 2019 with an aim to supply of 55 litres of water per person per day to every rural household through Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC) by 2024.

Plan will be implemented by Paani Samitis(at village level, Gram Panchayat). There will be 10-15 members in each samiti with atleast 50% women members. 

Performance(rural household)- 16.6%(2019) - 62%(2023) 

100% achievers

5 States- Gujarat, Telangana, Goa, Haryana, and Punjab

3 UT- Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Daman Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli and Puducherry

Burhanpur district (MP) was the first ‘Har Ghar Jal’ certified district in the country; Goa was the 1st State to achieve 100% coverage

Jal Jeevan Mission (Urban) was launched by Ministry of Housing of Urban Affairs in 2021-22 to supply water in town area. 

2. Quick-fix Water Solutions/Management 

Immediate and often temporary measures implemented to address water-related issues


  • River Widening, Deepening, and Straightening
  • Water Harvesting Competitions
  • Quick Infrastructure Development: water storage, water grids and sewage treatment plants
  • Artificial recharge of groundwater
  • Desalination plants in costal region

Issues with Quick fix solutions

  • Environmental Impacts
  • Limited Community Engagement
  • CSR fund dependency
  • More emphasis on surface water and negligence of ground water
  • state projects in conflict with community and environmental interests

Government sustainable solutions

  • Amrit Sarovar Mission- development of 75 water bodies in each district
  • Atal Bhujal Yojana- involving local communities for sustainable groundwater management in water stressed regions. 
  • Jal Shakti Abhiyaan- targeted 256 water stress district
  • Central Ground Water Authority(CGWA)
  • National Aquifer Mapping Program(NAQUIM)
  • Master Plan for Artificial Recharge to Groundwater

3. Postal Ballot System 

Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System- Issued by making change in Conduct of Election Rules, 1961(change in 2016) 

Allowed to service voters

Under consideration for NRI and to allow NRI for Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System there is need for amendment in Section 60 of RPA 1950 and RPA 1951

4. Tax Devolution

Constitution of India, Article 280(3)(a)- Finance Commission (FC) has the responsibility to make recommendations regarding the division of the net proceeds of taxes between the Union and the states.

Vertical devolution

14th FC- 42% share of state government in Central Tax

15th FC- 41% share, reduced 1% for J&K + Ladakh UT

Horizontal devolution- 

  • 12.5% weightage to demographic performance, 
  • 45% to income, 
  • 15% each to population and area, 
  • 10% to forest and ecology and 
  • 2.5% to tax and fiscal efforts

Other grants- 

Revenue Deficit Grants to States- Rs. 3 trillion over the five year period ending FY26

Performance Based Incentives and Grants to States- based on 4 pillars 

1. Social sector(Health and Education) 

2. Rural Economy

3. Governance and administrative

4. Performance based incentive system(power sector) 

Grants to Local Governments- Panchayat and Municipality(less than 1 million population) 

5. Urban Cooperative Banks

Co-operative Bank Issues:

  • Inadequacies in governance
  • Politicisation and the excessive role of the government
  • Inability to ensure active membership
  • Lack of efforts for capital formation
  • Inability to attract and retain competent professionals
  • Elections to co-operative boards have been postponed indefinitely

In January 2020, the RBI revised the Supervisory action Framework (SAF) for UCBs.

In June 2020, the Central government approved an Ordinance to bring all urban and multi-state cooperative banks under the direct supervision of RBI.

In 2022 RBI has announced 4 tier regulatory framework for categorization of UCBs

  • Tier 1 with all unit UCBs and salary earner’s UCBs (irrespective of deposit size) and all other UCBs having deposits up to Rs 100 crore.
  • Tier 2 with UCBs of deposits between Rs 100 crore and Rs 1,000 crore,
  • Tier 3 with UCBs of deposits between Rs 1,000 crore and Rs 10,000 crore and
  • Tier 4 with UCBs of deposits more than Rs 10,000 crore.

Multi-State Cooperative Societies(Amendment) Bill 2023

Original Act- Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act 2002

  1. Election of board members- earlier conducted by existing board, now a separate body named Co-operative Election Authority will conduct the election. 
  2. Amalgamation of cooperative societies- decided by general meetings, now state cooperative societies can also merge as per state law
  3. Fund for sick cooperative societies- Cooperative Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Development Fund(CRRDF) by Multi-state co-operative societies that are in profit to support cooperative with bad performance. Earlier there was no fund like this. 
  4. Redemption of government shareholding- Now government permission will be needed in Redemption of government shareholding
  5. The new amendment Act introduced an Co-operative Ombudsman to monitor complaint Redressal. 

6. Rural Electrification

Electricity Act 2003

Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana(RGGVY, 2005)- decentralized distribution system

Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana(DDUGJY, Dec 2014)- electrification of all villages(Village electrification- electrification of at least 10 per cent of households in a village)

Subsumed RGGVY scheme

Leisang(Manipur) electrification in 2018 completed the purpose of DDUGJY of electrifying all villages. 

Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana(Saubhagya scheme, 2017)- electrification of all household. 

Presently 97.6% household electrified by still 2.4% household lack electricity. 

Free metered connection to poor family(rural + urban) 

And metered connection at 500 to other in rural areas only.(in urban areas only poors are covered under Saubhagya scheme) 

Electrification of non-rural region

Revamped Distribution Sector Reform Scheme(RDSS) 2021- Aims to improve the operational efficiencies and financial sustainability of discoms(only Private Sector DISCOMs)

Tow components of RDSS

1. Financial support for metering and distribution infrastructure

2. Training and capacity building

It is umbrella program consisting of many programs including

  • Integrated Power Development Scheme, 2014(reforming power distribution in urban region) 
  • DDUGJY, 2014
  • Saubhagya scheme, 2017

Nodal agencies- Rural Electrification Corporation and Power Finance Corporation

Challenges of discom

1. Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) Losses

  • Technical Loss- loss due to faulty transmission and distribution system
  • Commercial Loss- loss due to the theft of electricity, deficiencies in metering, etc

Target is to bring down AT&C losses in 12-15% range. 

2. Transform support only minimal demand

3. Highly subsidies electricity in some region

4. Metering issues

7. Waste to Wealth in India

Waste to wealth power plant- burning waste to generate electricity

Waste to wealth mission(under PM-STIAC)- Swachhta Saarthi Fellowship(for waste management by community), Steel Slag Road Technology

Gobardhan Scheme(ministry of Jal Shakti)- biowaste to bioenergy

8. India Export Outlook(2023-2030) 

Foreign Trade Policy 2023

Current Export status(2023)- 450 billion dollars(goods) 

Export Goal(2030)- 1 trillion dollars(goods) + 1 trillion dollars(Services) 

Total- 2 trillion dollar by 2030

Major Export Products- Engineering Products, Agriculture, Textile and Apparels, Pharmaceutical and Drug

Issues- Acess to Finance, limited export basket, protectionist measures by developed nations

Government efforts- Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme(TIES)

PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan(NMP)

Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Product(RoDTEP)

Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies 

9. Green Energy

Climate energy Dashboard 3.0- To monitor energy transition in India by Niti Aaayog

India Energy Security Scenarios(IESS) 2047 V3.0- An open source tool by Niti Aayog to evaluate the integrated impact of various green energy policies of the Government of India. 

10. Education Scheme

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyaan-

Integrated scheme for school education extending from pre-school to class XII to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education at all levels of school education.

Three components

a. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA) for preschool to class 8

NIPUN Bharat for developing Foundational Literacy and Numeracy in children by class 3

b. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan(RMSA) for class 9 to class 10

JIGYASA program to connect students with scientists

c. Teacher Education(TE) DIKSHA portal for upgrading skills of teachers

Specific training modules under NISHTHA by NCERT to train Secondary teachers and Primary teachers

Eklavya Model Residential Schools for tribal community

Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya for girl education at remote locations

 PM SHRI Scheme- strengthening the selected existing school

DIKSHA portal(NCERT)- digital gateway for learners

ULLAS app- Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram

PARAKH(under NCERT) with aim to set up assessment guidelines for all boards to reduce disparity in evaluation across different boards by setting Benchmark Assessment framework.

PARAKH will also perform National Achievement Survey (NAS) and State Achievement Surveys

Scheme for Higer Education-

a. SHREYAS- To introduce employable skills into their learning, promote apprenticeship as integral to education. Imparting technical/professional skill in non-tech education like BA/BSc/BCom. To eliminate the skill gap required in profession and graduate students. 

b. National Educational Alliance for Technology(NEAT) Scheme- Use of Artificial Intelligence to make learning more personalized and customized as per the requirements of the learner

c. Prime Minister’s Research Fellows(PMRF) Scheme- To attract talent pool of country for PhD program. 

d. IMPRESS scheme- To promote research in social sciences

e. SPARC programme- To improve research ecosystem by collaboration of Indian Institutions and the best institutions in the world.

f. IMPRINT programme- Research road map by IITs and IISc to cater modern technological needs

11. Agriculture Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana(PMFBY)- Crop insurance scheme for farmers

WINDS(Weather Information Network Data Systems) Portal- To provide weather related data to farmers

AIDE(App for Intermediary Enrolment) mobile app- Access of government scheme to farmers via digital channel

FASAL project- Agriculture output forecasting

12. Ethanol Blending

20% Ethanol blending by 2025

Crossed Average ethanol blending above 10% in 2022

National Policy on Biofuels 2018- Set National target of 20% ethanol blending by 2025

Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana 2019- Research and Development of 2G Ethanol

Repurpose Used Cooking Oil(RUCO)- Conversion of used cooking oil to biodiesel

E100 Pilot Project- Vehicle supporting 100% ethanol(Pure ethanol based vehicle) 

13. Digital India 

3 components

1. Digital connectivity

2. On demand service

3. Digital empowerment


PM-WANI(Wi-Fi Access Network Interface)- Provide affordable internet access to the common people by Public Wi-Fi

14. Development of NE region

PM-DevINE Scheme

Direct allocation of resources for

  • Infrastructure development
  • Social Development Projects
  • Empowering youth and women

Connectivity Projects 

Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Project(Myanmar)

Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar(BCIM) Corridor

125th Constitution Amendment Bill 

  • Establishment of village and municipal council in 6th schedule area
  • Grant in aid and financial power to these council by state finance commission
  • Finance Commission will make recommendations on measures to augment the Consolidated Fund of a state to provide resources to District Councils, Village Councils, and Municipal Councils in tribal areas in the four Sixth Schedule states.
  • Election to these council by state election Commission
  • Disqualification rules for District and Regional Councils members will be framed by Governor. 

15. Biological Diversity

Biological Diversity Act 2002

Enacted in response to India's commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) 1992.

the Act establishes a three-tier structure:

  • National Level- National Biodiversity Authority(NBA) 
  • State Level- State Biodiversity Boards(SBBs)
  • Local Level- Biodiversity Management Committees(BMCs)

Biological Diversity(Amendment) Bill 2021 

1. Acess to biological resources

Earlier provision- prior approval is needed from concerned authority

Amendment- classification of activities and entities and exemption list(no prior approval is required) 

2. Intellectual Property Rights

Earlier provision- approval of NBA before starting application 

Amendment- approval of NBA before the actual grant of IPR

3. Exempted AYUSH practitioners from seeking approval from SBB for accessing traditional knowledge

4. Benefits Sharing

Earlier provision- Sharing of Monetary and non monetary benefits

Amendment- No benefits sharing in case of research, bio-survey, and bio-utilisation

5. Criminal Penalties

Earlier provision- criminal penalties for not obtaining approval and violations of other provisions

Amendment- decriminalization and imposition of fine system

Concerns with Amendment 

  • Favoring Industry over Conservation
  • Decriminalization of violations
  • Exemption to domestic companies
  • Limited benefits sharing
  • Ignoring conservation issues

16. Semiconductor in India

Semiconductor industry issues

  • Capital-intensive
  • Long return period
  • Challenging R&D- quickly change in size of chips
  • Supply Chain disruption
  • Infrastructure issues

Production Linked Incentives(PLI, 2020)

India Semiconductor Mission(ISM, 2021)- Annual Semicon India Conference

Design Linked Incentives(DLI, 2021)- Additional incentives over PLI scheme. Now government is considering to be an equity holder in domestic chip design-making companies through DLI scheme. 

Two components

  1. Product Design Linked Incentive- 50% of total cost(15 crore maximum) 
  2. Deployment Linked Incentive- 6% to 4% of net sales

Semiconductor Complex Limited(SCL) in Chandigarh a brownfield project

17. Infrastructure Projects

Bharatmala Project(2015)- Holistic development of road Infrastructure across country. It subsumed NHDP and the program will be implemented by NHAI(Ministry of road transport and Highways). 

Sagarmala Project(2015)- Flagship programme of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways to promote port-led development in the country by exploiting India's 7,517 km long coastline + 14,500 km of potentially navigable waterways. 

The National Sagarmala Apex Committee(NSAC) is the apex body to monitor the whole program. 

Sethu Bharatam(2016-2019)- All national highway free of railway crossing by building flyover. 

National Infrastructure Pipeline(2020-2025)- Launched by our PM on the eve of Independence Day 2019. NIP will enable a forward outlook on infrastructure including economic and social infrastructure. 

It is monitored by ministry of Finance. As per NIP 111 lakh crore of investment is needed by 2025 to develop infrastructure projects.

Share of Centre, States and Private sector in Fund- 39:39:22

Energy, Road, Urban and Railway infrastructure amount 70% of expenditure of NIP. 

National Monetization Pipeline(2022-2025)- Monetizing the core assets of central government over a four years period. Part of government's disinvestment policy. It will grant revenue right to private sector for brownfield projects(no transfer of ownership right). It will supplement the NIP scheme. 

66% of monetization will be done through road, railway and power sector. 

Other way to Finance- Infrastructure Investment Trust(InvIT) 

Real Estate Investment Trusts(Reits) 

Gati Shakti scheme or National Master Plan for multi-modal connectivity plan- To ensure integrated planning and implementation of infrastructure projects in the next four years(Launched 15 Aug 2021, 2021-2025). 

It subsumed NIP plan launched in 2019. Some of the components of Gati Shakti scheme are

  • Industrial corridor
  • Defense corridor
  • Digital connectivity
  • Gas pipeline

It will bring together 16 ministries in development planning through Gati Shakti Digital Platform. 

It will help to reduce the logistic cost in India which is 13-14% of GDP at present(higher than developed countries 7-8% of GDP, Data from LEADS report of ministry of commerce and Industry). 

It will reaolve following existing challenges

  • Lack of coordination between different Departments
  • Wasteful expenditure
  • Time-taking approval process
  • Multiplicity of regulatory clearances
  • Hostile land acquisitions
  • Difficulties in getting environmental clearance

18. Mines and Minerals

State list- item number 23(State govt is owner of minerals in their region) 

Union list- item number 54(Central govt is owner of minerals in UT and Exclusive Economic zone region) 

Three acts for exploration of

  1. Oil, Natural Gas and Energy Minerals- HELP(+OALP) replaced NELP in 2016
  2. Coal Bearing Area Act 1957
  3. Mines and Minerals Regulations and Development Act 1957

Issues with India Mines Sectors

  • Underexplored mining area- less than 10% of region is explored and only 2% is mined
  • Over regulations, Red Tapism
  • Low investment region
  • Despite large resources, less exploration and high dependence on import
  • GDP contribution is only 1.75%
  • 30 strategic minerals and 100% import dependence for 10 strategic minerals

Mines and Minerals Regulations and Development Act 1957

Schedule 1- Major Minerals

Section 3- Center will notify minor minerals

The act empowered state government to grant mineral concession based on First come first serve basis. 

For licensing of 1st schedule minerals Central govt approval is needed. 

2015 Amendments

  • Tried to create transparency by introducing bidding process. 
  • Prospective cum mining license
  • Mining area expansion without obtaining extra license
  • Transfer of mineral concession after state govt approval(if State govt didn't provide approval in 90 days, it will be considered as approval granted) 
  • Lease period increased to 50 years(earlier was 30 years) 
  • Establishment of DMF and NMET

National Minerals Exploration Trust(NMET)- 2% of royalty to NMET by mining company. The trust will be managed by Ministry of Mines(central government) 

District Mineral Foundation(DMF)- manged by state government. Maximum 1/3rd of royalty will be delosited by mining companies to this fund. This fund will be used for development of affected region. But central government set guidelines to use DMF fund by PM khanij Kahetriya Kalyan Yojna. 

2021 Amendments

  • Removal of end use restrictions- mineral can be used for any purpose
  • End of captive and non-captive distinction
  • Captive mines can sell upto 50% of mined minerals
  • Transfer of statutory permission to new Auctioneer(environment clearance etc) 
  • Central government has power to auction mines if state government fails to do it in a stipulated time
  • Center will decided royalty free for central PSUs
  • DMF guidelines by Center

2023 Amendments

  • 6 out of 12 atomic minerals can be mined by private companies including lithium, zirconium and titanium. This will encourage private funding to boost electric cells/batteries and electronic systems.
  • The central government can auction mining leases and composite licences for critical minerals.
  • For 6 atomic minerals guidelines will be issued by Central government but mineral concession will be granted by state government. 
  • Exploration area increased to 1000 sq Km which was earlier restricted to 25 sq Km only
  • Incentives as share of mining license fee will be given to explorer

For Oil, natural gas and energy minerals

New Exploration Licencing Policy(NELP, 1999-2016)- 
  • Different license needed for different hydrocarbons 
  • Profit sharing was used in bidding process

Hydrocarbon Exploration Licencing Policy(HELP, 2016~)- 
  • Single license for for multiple hydrocarbons
  • Revenue sharing method
  • National data repository
  • Marketing and pricing freedom to companies
  • Open Acreage Licencing Policy- exploration outside the bid region. Request can be made throughout the year without waiting for next bidding to start. 

19. Sports

Sports Authority of India(SAI) 1984- Established in 1984 after New Delhi Asian Games 1982

National Sports Development Fund 1998

Khelo India Initiative(2017) 

2018- Khelo India Youth Games

2020- Khelo India University Games

2018- Khelo India Winter Games

Khelo India State Centres of Excellence(KISCE) scheme

Fit India Movement 2019

Target Olympic Podium Scheme(TOPS) 2020- Prepare future medal contenders for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

20. Employment

Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana(ABRY, ministry of labour and employment)- Government will contribute to EPF of employees with less than 15000 per month salary. 

Govt contribution(more than 1000 employees)- 12% employee share

Govt contribution(less than 1000 employees)- 12% employee share + 12% employer share

Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana(PMRPY, ministry of labour and employment, till 2019)- Government will contribute the share of employer to EPF, EPS for new employment. The scheme was to formalize the informal sector. 

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan(PMGKRA, ministry of rural development)- Government will provide 125 day employment to migrant workers mainly

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP, ministry of MSME)- Government will provide credit link subsidy to non farm Micro enterprise. The scheme will be implemented by KVIC


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