Subjects and Their Significance
1. Geography(Greek origin)→ Geo(Earth) + Graphien(to describe)
The term geographia was used for 1st time by Greek scholar Eratosthenes(Father of Geography) around 200 BC.
Geography is the science of describing earth features(mainly surface features- Landforms, lake) and it's corresponding consequences like Human geography.
2. Geology(Greek origin)→ Geo(Earth) + logia(to study)
Father of Geology- Scottish scholar James Hutton of 18th century
Geology is the science of studying earth surface as well as its interior with the process involved in its evolution- Formation of rocks,
core, mantle and crust division
3. Pedology(Greek origin)→ Pedon(Soil) + logia(to study)
Father of Pedology- Russian scholar V.V. Dokuchaev of 19th century
4. Ecology(Greek origin)→ Oikos(House) + logia(to study)
Father of Ecology- Prussian botanist Alexander von Humbolt of 19th century
It is study of house i.e. relationship among organisms + relationship of organisms-environment.
5. Economy(Greek origin)→ Oikos(House) + Nomia(to manage/law)
Father of Economy- Scottish economist Adam Smith of 18th century
6. Astronomy(Greek origin)→ Astron(Star) + Nomia(law)
Father of Astronomy- Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus of 16th century
Nicholas Copernicus opposed the idea that sun is revolving around earth and gave a new idea of earth revolving around the sun.
Astronomy is study of celestial objects and phenomena.
Astrology(Greek origin)→ Astron(Star) + logia(to study)
Although astrology is a scientific term, but at present time, it is used for belief system like how the movement of planets and star is affecting our lives.
7. Physics(Greek origin)→ Physike(knowledge of nature)
Father of Physics- Galileo(16th century Italian Scholar), Isaac Newton(17th century British Scholar), and Albert Einstein(20th century German Scholar)
Physics is study of matters, its constituents and force + energy related to matters.
Physics originated from Astronomy when scholars tried to find out the forces behind movement of astronomical objects/matters.
8. Chemistry(Greek origin)→ Chimia(Chemistry)
Father of Chemistry- French scholar Antoine Lavoisier of 18th century
He was first to determine the composition of water. Later he invented the terms oxygen(1778) and hydrogen(1783)
Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, properties, behavior and reactional behavior of matters.
The origin of chemistry lies with the purification of minerals and metals in ancient times(Alchemy)
9. Biology(Greek origin)→ Bios(life) + logia(to study)
Father of Biology- Greek scholar Aristotle of 4th century BC
He started classification of Plants and Animals(Also father of zoology)
Biology is the science of studying earth lives
10. Botany(Greek origin)→ Botane(herbs/fodder)
Father of Botany- Greek scholar Theophrastus(student of Aristotle) of 4th century BC
Botany is the science of studying plant life. Branch of biology originated with the use of plants based medicine.
11. History(Greek origin)→ Historia(to inquiry)
Father of History- Greek historian Herodotus of 5th century BC
History is systematic study and documentation of the past.
12. Polity(Greek origin)→ Polis(State)
Father of History- Greek historian Aristotle of 4th century BC
Polity is a process of governance by a collective group of people/entities.
13. Mathematics(Greek origin)→ Mathema(that is learnt)
Father of Mathematics- Greek scholar Archimedes of 3th century BC
Mathematics is a science of quantifying simple and complex objects with the use of numbers and formulas.
14. Philosophy(Greek origin)→ Philos(love) + Sophia(Wisdom)
15. Art(Latin origin)→ Ars(Skill/Craft)
Art is a science of adding values to common available resources.
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