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Cold War Doctrines


Foreign Policy of America

Monroe Doctrine(1823)- Latin American as an American Sphere of influence and rejected European colonisation of the region. 

No interfere of the old world in new world. 

Roosevelt Corollary(1904)- Addition to Monroe Doctrine. USA could intervene in internal affairs of Latin  American Countries. Also known as good neighbouring policy. 

Marshall Plan(1948-1951)- Also Known as European recovery program introduced to improve the economy in Europe region and contain the influence of communism. 

Cold War Doctrines

Truman Doctrine(1947)- Support against communism that helped in formation of NATO in 1949. 

Korean War 1950-53, Vietnam war 1955-1975

Eisenhower Doctrine(1957)- After Suez Crisis of 1956 it was introduced to contain the influence of USSR in Middle East region. 

Support to Middle East on their request

Kennedy Doctrine(1961)- Reversal of communism progress in Western Hemisphere

Cuba Missile Crisis 1962

Johnson Doctrine(1965)- Domestic revolution is not a local matter in America continent if its objective is to establish communist dictatorship. 

Nixon Doctrine(1969)- If requested by its allies, USA will act as nuclear umbrella

Carter Doctrine(1980)- In response to Soviet-Afghan war. USA can use military force in Persian Gulf for self interest. 

Reagan Doctrine(1985-1991)- Providing support to Guerrilla warfare and resistance movement against communism

USA support to Taliban

World History


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