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Ethical Terms


Ethical Terms

Conflict of Interest- Arises when official duty, public interest and personal intrest get into conflict. 

It hampers the integrity and impartiality of an individual. 

Emotional Intelligence- Ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions as well as other's emotions. 

Five elements of EI(Daniel Goleman) 

  • Self awareness
  • Self regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

Belief- A belief is an idea that a person holds as being true. A person can base a belief upon principles and matters of faith.

Sources of belief-

  • Person’s own experiences or experiments
  • Cultural and societal norms
  • Guidance by others

Evaluation and  sound reasoning is a way to challenge beliefs.

Value- Stable long-lasting beliefs about what is important to a person. Values define standard of life and one's choices.

With strong commitment towards a belief, that belief get transformed into a value. 

Belief vs Faith- Believe is strongly held confidence or opinion. While faith is strongly held religious beliefs. 

Sympathy- Feeling of sincere concern for someone who is experiencing something difficult or painful. It lack the interaction and supportive action to people in need. 

Empathy- Sympathy + Getting actively involved in sharing the person’s emotional experience. It act as mental support to person in distress. 

Compassion- In addition to sympathy it is an urgent desire to alleviate the person’s distress. It involves both interactive and material support. 

Altruism- Caring about the needs and happiness of other people more than your own. It creats the feeling of selflessness and serve the society at large. 

Objectivity- It refers to free from personal preferences, feelings, and opinions. Objectivity promotes decision making based on data and facts thus promote meritocracy. 

Honesty- Honesty refers to being truthful and open. Honesty is crowned with trust and empower individual to face the difficult times. Lal Bahadur Shastri ji resigned from the post of railway minister after train accident shows honesty and accountability qualities of Shastri ji. 

Transparency- Quality or state of being transperent so that other can monitor your actions. It implies openness, communication and accountability. 

Accountability- Acceptance of responsibility for one's own actions. It is often equated with answerability, culpability and liability. 

Justice and Fairness- The term Justice means giving each person what he or she deserves(distribution based on deserving criteria) 


Fairness represent ability to judge without reference to one's feeling or interest(Treating people equally). 

Justice and fairness is associated with liberty and equality. 

Courage of Conviction- Courage to do what is right when others are against it. It ensure strong adherence to values in tough times. Raja Ram Mohan Roy raised his voice against sati practice when it was well accepted by society. 

Perseverance- Perseverance is the quality of being persistence in doing something despite difficulties arising in it. Ex- Mahatma Gandhi's fight for Independence

Spirit of service- Quality of being committed to public service without any self motives.

This refers to a mindset and attitude of putting the needs of others before oneself. In public service, having a spirit of service means being committed to improving the lives of public. Mother Teresa devoted her life to serve needy people. 

Dedication- It refers to assigning of utmost importance to someone or something. And giving lot of time and effort to it. In public service, dedication ensure the strong respect for public Works. Moter Teresa was dedicated to serve the human kind. 

Commitment- The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. In public service, commitment is important because it demonstrates a willingness to work towards the betterment of society and a desire to make a positive impact. The commitment of Vallabhbhai Patel led to the integration of India. 

Integrity- Integrity refers to consistency in observed values, principles, thought and action. In public service, integrity is essential for building trust and credibility. 

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was well known for his honesty, integrity, and incorruptibility.

B. R. Ambedkar resigned from the post of law minister after difference on Hindu code bill. He was coherent in his thought, word and action and never made compromised. 

Diligence- The quality of doing work carefully and thoroughly. Motivation, discipline, concentration, responsibility, and devotedness are the important factors that drive toward diligence.

Ethical Fading- Loss of ethical adherence in decision making process leading to ethicak disengagement. Arises because of self deception and subconscious avoidance of moral principles.

Often derived from self intrest mainly profit. Ex- ignorance of environmental issues on the name of development. 

Fiduciary Duty- The word fiduciary is related to trust. A fiduciary is someone who manage resources for someone else same like trustees. Fiduciary duty is the legal responsibility to act solely in the best interest of another party. Ex- Data fiduciary like Facebook, Twitter etc

Tolerance- Tolerance refers to quality of respecting differences as diversity. It develop a rational view and end the prejudice. In India tolerance led to multicultural, multilingual and multiethnic society depicting the idea of unity in diversity. 

Conjecture- To guess about something without real proof or evidences leading to reach at partial reality. 

Reasoning- Process of thinking and systematic understanding of something to make a judgement or decision. The reasoning power helps to understand the reality and guide towards right decision. 

Understanding- The knowledge that somebody has of a particular subject or situation. 

Situation- The combination of circumstances at any given time and place including facts, conditions, and events. 

Fortitude- Mental or emotional strength that enables one with a courage to face the adversities. 

Humility- It refers to state of being humble. One is not above than others. 


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