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Hydrogen Fuel

Hydrogen Fuel

With the rise of Global Warming, concern arises regarding the use of fossil fuels. This led to finding out alternative fuels to run future economy of the world in environment friendly way. Hydrogen Fuel with high energy density is one of the promising candidate. 

Different Colours of Hydrogen fuel

  • White Hydrogen- Naturally occurring hydrogen found in earth crust
  • Gold Hydrogen- Hydrogen in depleted oil wells and depleted Natural Gas reservoirs
  • Black/Brown Hydrogen- Hydrogen produced from coal gasification
  • Grey Hydrogen- Hydrogen produced from natural gas
  • Blue Hydrogen- Hydrogen produced from natural gas + use of carbon capture and storage technique
  • Green Hydrogen- Hydrogen produced from electrolysis of water using renewable energy
  • Pink Hydrogen- Hydrogen produced from electrolysis of water using nuclear energy
  • Yellow Hydrogen- Hydrogen produced from electrolysis of water using solar energy
  • Turquoise Hydrogen- Hydrogen produced from methane pyrolysis

Global Initiative for Hydrogen Fuel

Initiatives in India
1. National Green Hydrogen Mission- 
Aiming to make India a global hydrogen production hub under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Targets(by 2030)- 
  • 5 MMT(million metric tonne) per annum production
  • 8 lakh crore investment
  • 6 lakh job creation
  1. Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition Programme(SIGHT)- It will fund the domestic manufacturing of electrolysers and produce green hydrogen.
  2. Strategic Hydrogen Innovation Partnership(SHIP)- A public-private partnership framework for R&D.


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